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Need help on big moguls!!!

Aidy - 17 January 2012 05:00 AM

an essential skill while riding bumps but your legs can also be used to create pressure by extending your knee and ankle joints at the top part of the turn to create pressure.  This type of riding (down unweighted, dynamic, extention-retraction, whatever you like to call it) will enable you to make higher performance turns and ride harder terrain like bumps.

Learning ^this^ concept/skill was most dramatic in seeing a difference in my ability to tackle bumps. Bumps went from “eew yuck!” to “this is damn fun!!”

No doubt lower body/leg steered turns are paramount to help with bumps, but for me, being able to down-unweight literally increased my bumps riding ability by 50% (having previously only doing up-unweighted turns)

If you want to better understand the movements of a down-unweighted turn watch boarderX riders as they come into a banked turn or berm.  Better yet request your instructor to take you through a progression.


That’s great to hear kneeboard, that’s what this forum is all about!  I’ve been having that same ‘this is damn fun’ feeling myself recently while riding the bumpy stuff from the bottom of the park to the solar coaster here in blackcomb, yeah snowboarding!!!