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DriftHD hands on (with videos)


The time the warranty took was mostly my error as it took some time before I returned it. drc13 was aware.

I will speak with a friend in commercial law regarding supply of instructions. From what info I can find (and common sense) it does seem there may be grounds for consumer affairs to make a ruling.

Though it shouldn’t come to this as I’m still querying this claim with the supplier.
Repairing the housing at no cost to the customer seems to be honouring warranty. Though currently I do not believe bailing out the manufacture is in the interest of providing consumer confidence.

Unless of course the customer purchases products from me. They can then be confident that buying from me gives extra warranty.
This has always been the case. VIO does not offer warranty on broken camera leads, yet I saw it as a design flaw (even with instructions provided outlining it would be customer error if broken) I repaired my customers broken pins (the lead) - vio even claimed it was not impossible to be repaired.

I stand by any product I sell/supply. I choose the products I sell carefully and stand clear of ones I don’t see worthwhile (quality footage/build/use).

This thread should be reflective of consumer confidence not product quality.


So is it the housing that they won’t warranty, the camera, or both?????

Mizu Kuma - 01 April 2012 06:45 AM

So is it the housing that they won’t warranty, the camera, or both?????

Fortunately the camera survived the swim. It’s just the waterproof housing that I want replaced/refunded.

This is what I have expressed to spaz

“My issue with a repaired unit is once again I only got 4mins use out of a “brand new item” the problem has been caused by lack of documentation from drift (if I read correctly even a pro like you didn’t know about the different hatch issue). As I have mentioned before I don’t want the original unit back in a repaired state as the insides of the unit has been soaked with salt water including the anti-moisture/anti-fog strips. I’m also never going to feel 100% confident with that unit especially when I put it under more pressure in bigger surf.”

I have also expressed to him that I don’t want him to be out of pocket as my beef isn’t with him. I just want drift to do what’s right!


As it goes:
I was the point of sale and I am responsible for a financial refund.
All the normal channels are being followed for a warranty claim the outcome has not yet been finalised.

Any repair I do improves the quality of a standard item and comes with my personal professional guaranty, I specialise in aftermarket repair/tweaks and build innovative products and prototypes that the headcam marketplace have made standard items (eg:PoleCam).
I will use the repaired housing if drc13 doesn’t wan’t it and will give him a full refund on the DriftHD as I still believe this is the best camera under $600 in this market.

As a supplier I am part Drift, and any other brand I sell.
All retail outlets are representatives toward the brands they supply.


All Drift camera’s are waterproof without the housing.

The hard plastic housing gives it an increased rating for use in high pressure situations and dangerous environments.


Drift have replaced drc13’s waterproof housing.

It’s so good to be able to speak directly with DriftHD Australia in regard to customer concerns.

Drift offer documentation via online .pdf files that inform customers which hatch to use with the waterproof housing. They were not obliged to replace drc13’s but did anyway. A great outcome from a company that supports this industry and the consumer.
For me this this is further reason that Drift offer a better product than their competitors.


Yep good news in the end thanks for chasing it up for me Spaz.

Looking forward to finally getting some footage in the water!


Thats great news shaka

drc13 - 10 April 2012 09:58 AM

Looking forward to finally getting some footage in the water!

I would’ve lent ya my GoPro!!!!!


He wants to get “good” water footage. wink


Oh, my mistake!!!!! I thought that he wanted to get SOME footage!!!!!


Im in 2 minds..

People thoughts on the newer Drift - GoPro products?

In saying newer, i mean… whatever I can get for the best price. haha

Iv been looking at the Drift HD 170, second hand with a few extra’s for $130
GoPro 2 is equivalent in time they came out?

Just looking for cheap, reliable camera for the season.


A 2nd hand DriftHD170 would want to be very cheap.
They are outdated compared to 2014 models (of most brands/models) - Drift don’t sell the 170 anymore, they only sell Drift HD Ghost (an extremely good camera - I own 2).
You might need to replace the outer lens glass though (not sure if you can still get replacement parts now that Drift International has taken over the local supplier).

DriftHD170 vs GoProHero2
Personally I would choose Drift - there are a number of factors to consider between the 2, depending on your wants/needs.
The price would want to be very low even for a Hero2 aslo.
prices eg: pawn shops won’t pay more than $75 for a HeroBlack, new in box.

For a cheap NEW camera I suggest RepalayXD720 (rrp $150). They are very robust (near bomb proof).
I sell the ReplayXD720 for $135. PM me if interested.
Replay have also released a new model XD1080mini (rrp $279).

I may even have the odd Drift accessory/parts laying around if you do get it.


Could be tempted on the Replay, maybe.
Thoughts on it?  Get what you pay for sort of thing?
What would the quality of video be compared to something similar priced?

Other option I have been looking at is the Sony action cam
Still nice and small, pretty basic controls, and video still seem’s to be pretty well.
Im not to fussed on sound quality at all.
They seem to be going for around the $150-300 mark.


You get MORE than you pay for from Replay IMO. Accessories supplied; alone retail over $100.
I would suggest $130 is NOT a cheap price for a 2nd hand DriftHD170 - It’s more than double what I think it should be.

Video quality is fine on the Replay. Good enough for TV, it’s the standard camera used in motor racing (Bathurst 24hr, drag racing, formula 3, touring cars, AORC…) they use the 1080 but 720 is the same thing just with fewer settings and a smaller sensor.
V8 supercars use a modified version for the in car footage for broadcasting on channel 7.

Still lifted from video.

ReplayXD720 - no audio

The biggest thing Replay have over all other cams is it doesn’t get video wobble/waves/distortion in any circumstance.

Cons; Smaller field of view than others 120˚ compared to 170˚ on other brands (at their widest! )
most brands suggest a setting 120˚-130˚ to improve quality, GoPro auto revert to 127˚ in higher fps
No remote, no in camera editing/deleting card (has to be plugged into computer).

Pros: 4GB card supplied (takes up to 32GB), aircraft grade Al construction, XD720 is the smallest and lightest competitive camera in the market.

I also have on sale an NIB Drift Ghost $360 (1 only).