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So have they told you whats wrong with the case? eg; broken seal mount, cracked housing?? Hinge crack?? Was there any visible damage to the case?
I get what you mean about the buttons lining up… All the underwater housings I’ve used, the camera and buttons usually only line up when the camera is inserted properly… If the buttons were aligned and you could operate the camera while it was in the housing, I thinks it’s pretty safe to assume that the camera is installed properly…
As for the rear door, you usually have to use a degree of force to flip over and close these kinds of hinge mechanisms, so it’s reasonable to expect you’d apply some force while closing….
Gee I’m really bummed to hear you’re not getting any joy from the distributer/manufacturer….
Do you think it’s worthwhile emailing the manufacturer directly to express your concerns?
They are claiming the hinge is cracked, which neither I or spaz had noticed (spaz actually used the housing for a while before I insisted it was sent back for replacment)
Absolutely no visible damage to the case it genuinely only had 4mins use in my hands I never touched it again after seeing the water leak in.
Yep that’s exactly right when I sealed it, it just felt “solid” like you would expect from a waterproof unit.
I certainly wouldn’t be against the idea of communicating directly with them (don’t have their details) I only just found out about this via Spaz at around 7pm last night and I haven’t been in contact with him since. Going by the message they had sent him they had basically voided the warranty and were in the process of sending it back without any chance for discussion.
I’m bummed too mate. I took a punt with the “underdog” the easy option would have been buying a gopro. I even mentioned in my earlier threads that I was willing to give them a go partially to be the guinea pig and provide honest feedback to other prospective buyers. I would hate to think this attitude has bit me in the ass.
Well I have now been told that you are meant to remove the back hatch off the camera (which leaves the ports exposed) before putting it in the case. What is interesting though is when I originally tried the camera in the case like this the camera rattles around inside the case as there is excess room so I immediately dismissed that as being the correct way.
I think whoever told you that is FOS…
Look at a promotional shots from google… (not from drift website, but from drift distributor)
Yeah, the housing is quite firm to close on the GoPro, and even their instructions go as far as to be aware of things such as a hair or grain of sand on the seal, as these will allow water into the housing!!!!!
Yeah, the housing is quite firm to close on the GoPro, and even their instructions go as far as to be aware of things such as a hair or grain of sand on the seal, as these will allow water into the housing!!!!!
I may be finding that out for myself sooner than expected!
Look at a promotional shots from google… (not from drift website, but from drift distributor)
Ahh nice photo!
Having seen that I’ve re-read the message and it starts to make a bit more sense (still doesn’t change anything imo)
The driftHD comes with two different hatches. They seem to be claiming I had the other hatch connected (the one with the port flaps)
I couldn’t tell you either way which one I had connected at the time but as I said it doesn’t change anything because lets presume I had the incorrect hatch installed it is still a lack of instructions issue. It’s now not a hatch or no hatch issue but now a which hatch issue!
You would think I would notice something that required enough force to crack the solid plastic hinges used on a case that can go to 30m
It does explain the movement in the case without any hatch connected mystery though so cheers for that.
That pic cleary shows the hatch on!!!!!
Like I said before, it must be a design flaw, and the only way they can correct it on the cheap is by tellin ya the back cover on the camera has to be removed!!!!!
Re my hatch comment, disregard, just read ya post above mine!!!!!
On the Shart Phone!!!!!
Haha no worries Mizu
Just for reference this is the hatch they are claiming I had on which I was somehow meant to know wasn’t the correct one????
Oh yeah, ya can see that the knob protrudes slightly more on the one with the access to ports!!!!!
The housing was purchased/packaged separately to the camera, yeah?????
If so, did the extra hatch come with the housing, or is it part of the camera package?????
Oh yeah, ya can see that the knob protrudes slightly more on the one with the access to ports!!!!!
The housing was purchased/packaged separately to the camera, yeah?????
If so, did the extra hatch come with the housing, or is it part of the camera package?????
Yes the waterproof housing and camera are a seperate purchase/packaging.
The two hatches come with the original camera. There is no mention of needing to use a specific hatch with the waterproof case (as there isn’t any documentation just a box)
Terrible story, I absolutely hate poor service. It makes me wonder if you would have a case with Consumers Affairs, ie. product not fit for stated purpose. You’re due for some good karma soon, drc!
If you end up going for a GoPro, let me know because thanks to Lanox I have found a proper bricks-and-mortar shop that sells them for cheaper-than-eBay prices. I’ll probably grab one very soon. Maybe if a few people here are interested we can talk them into a BW group discount.
Oh yeah, ya can see that the knob protrudes slightly more on the one with the access to ports!!!!!
The housing was purchased/packaged separately to the camera, yeah?????
If so, did the extra hatch come with the housing, or is it part of the camera package?????
Yes the waterproof housing and camera are a seperate purchase/packaging.
The two hatches come with the original camera. There is no mention of needing to use a specific hatch with the waterproof case (as there isn’t any documentation just a box)
Well, that def sounds like grounds to lodge a complaint!!!!! Pretty sure that ya do it through Fair Trading, and its very straight forward!!!!! You can also request your money refunded also, cause it is pretty clear to me that it was their lack of instruction/labeling that produced this outcome!!!!!
Terrible story, I absolutely hate poor service. It makes me wonder if you would have a case with Consumers Affairs, ie. product not fit for stated purpose. You’re due for some good karma soon, drc!
If you end up going for a GoPro, let me know because thanks to Lanox I have found a proper bricks-and-mortar shop that sells them for cheaper-than-eBay prices. I’ll probably grab one very soon. Maybe if a few people here are interested we can talk them into a BW group discount.
Pretty sure it would get some interest if ya started a new thread, with prices etc!!!!!
(But I will hold you responsible for me wantin an upgrade!!!!!)
Terrible story, I absolutely hate poor service. It makes me wonder if you would have a case with Consumers Affairs, ie. product not fit for stated purpose. You’re due for some good karma soon, drc!
If you end up going for a GoPro, let me know because thanks to Lanox I have found a proper bricks-and-mortar shop that sells them for cheaper-than-eBay prices. I’ll probably grab one very soon. Maybe if a few people here are interested we can talk them into a BW group discount.
Pretty sure it would get some interest if ya started a new thread, with prices etc!!!!!
(But I will hold you responsible for me wantin an upgrade!!!!!)
I’ll ask them if they’d consider doing some sort of group-buy deal. If so, I’ll start a new thread.
I’m giving the guy who voided this warranty claim a hard time over this. I don’t believe I’ve ever spoken with him before and it pisses me off knowing someone like Drc13 has been treated this way.
Early on in this episode I was happy to replace Drc13’s housing with mine but it really does come to manufacturer providing instructions. I’m still happy to.
I tried my housing with hatch off and ported hatch before realising it was the waterproof hatch that was required.
Now it makes little difference if I replace the housing. Consumer’s need to know the manufacturer will stand by what they supply.
Again little difference, but I can repair drc13 housing.