The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Help me win stuff.


If I do win I’ll give the camera to a deserving BWM. (but I’ll keep the cash and snowboard)

Just go and like another fb page (yeah, I’m sick of these too) Then click on “vote” and find my video then “like” that.
Man thats a lot of effort to ask people to go too.

Anyway if your up for it….


I looked for your entry and couldn’t find it… Sorry dude.


Spaz I couldn’t find it either?


could you link your vid? ill like it


just had a look bit too confusing haha had no idea which one was your but more than happy to vote


Really trying but none of the snowboard entry seem to be yours…


I found it. Click ‘Snowboard’ then ‘Next’ - spaz’s entry is the 2nd one with the Chemical Storm snowboard nose in the screenshot.


It would have taken them a while to get my entry up - I think they are culling entries to make sure they comply.

I wrote this thread the minute I had entered.
Drift are (or where) UK based so I guess it took until NoHe business hours to complete my entry.

It took me a few clicks to find my entry. Once on the Drift HD Games website click on the snowboard category then keep clicking the red arrow on the right of the entries (like rider said mine is the one with the nose of a black Chemical Storm snowboard and it’s a Vimeo video - not YouTube) then like my entry, post a comment and it will prompt you to share on facebook.


Done! He was first for me.


done grin yeah it was the first one for me too good luck mate

