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cableboarding… need help!!


Hi guys,

So I suck at cableboarding but I really really wanna improve as I live 15 mins drive from a cable park smile. Have any of you been down to the cable park in Penrith or any cable park for that matter? Could you give me some tips?

It was quite humiliating, I went there for my birthday on Sat and I struggled on the take off.

I felt like who ever was helping me would give me conflicting advice and often I’d stack it so quick I couldn’t really tell what I did wrong.

Anyone got any tips for mastering the take off?? and turning how does that compare to snowboarding and surfing???

Thanks :D


Never been myself, but Happy Birthday !!!!!!!

i have been wake boarding, pretty much you just have to remember your edges and away you go. smile


dont know for sure but one think to try is make sure you arent pushing water on the take off….i did that the start. then eventually turned the board on a slight angle to the surface and could get up everytime


What is cableboarding? Is it like wakeboarding on a flat surface? edit: derp derp I did knew what it was just not the name LOL

anywayz Happy B-Day ^^


Hey Ash,

I’ve done quite a bit of cable wakeboarding in my time. Like any boardsport, it’s really important to be in a relaxed frame of mind, i.e. don’t stress, don’t over-think. I know it’s easier said to done, but definitely something to think about.

How are you trying to take off? Just sitting on the bench with your board just touching the water? This is the easiest way to learn.

Try to point your board somewhat in the direction you’re about to go, keep your legs strong but relaxed. Now it’s really important to hold your core strong. If not, the cable is going to pull you off balance. Really hold that core nice and tight. I like to have my arms somewhat flexed (not extended straight) - this will give you a bit of suspension when you’re pulled at the start (will also mean your core doesn’t have to do all the work). Keep your legs bent, look ahead, relax and enjoy the ride. I find wakeboarding to use similar movements to snowboarding in powder. I’m certainly no expert at wakeboarding but the above info is how it works for me.

When you start getting really comfortable on the take-offs, I find it more fun to stand on top of the bench and jump into the water as the cable collects. I also find it less jarring at the start. Photo below showing this technique (this photo was taken at a cable park in Singapore). It also shows you the flexed position of my arms.

CRACKERS - 28 December 2011 01:59 PM

dont know for sure but one think to try is make sure you arent pushing water on the take off….i did that the start. then eventually turned the board on a slight angle to the surface and could get up everytime

Pushing water? so do you mean pushing the board down into the water?

rider26 - 28 December 2011 09:03 PM

Hey Ash,

I’ve done quite a bit of cable wakeboarding in my time. Like any boardsport, it’s really important to be in a relaxed frame of mind, i.e. don’t stress, don’t over-think. I know it’s easier said to done, but definitely something to think about.

How are you trying to take off? Just sitting on the bench with your board just touching the water? This is the easiest way to learn.

Try to point your board somewhat in the direction you’re about to go, keep your legs strong but relaxed. Now it’s really important to hold your core strong. If not, the cable is going to pull you off balance. Really hold that core nice and tight. I like to have my arms somewhat flexed (not extended straight) - this will give you a bit of suspension when you’re pulled at the start (will also mean your core doesn’t have to do all the work). Keep your legs bent, look ahead, relax and enjoy the ride. I find wakeboarding to use similar movements to snowboarding in powder. I’m certainly no expert at wakeboarding but the above info is how it works for me.

When you start getting really comfortable on the take-offs, I find it more fun to stand on top of the bench and jump into the water as the cable collects. I also find it less jarring at the start. Photo below showing this technique (this photo was taken at a cable park in Singapore). It also shows you the flexed position of my arms.

Thanks for all your advice guys!! I went again today (it was sooo packed I only got three goes). I did two things wrong, first time I didn’t hold my arms in strong enough so the cable pulled my arms out and as you can imagine I stacked it, the final time my arms were fine but apparently I stomped down on my front foot when I took off. (oops) It happened so fast I can’t actually remember doing that. I think I need to work on holding my nose up because I’m often nose diving when I take off.

Also yes I’m taking off just sitting on the bench! With the slip in type bindings, when I finally get better at it I’m going to invest in a board (or at least hire one) that has boots.

:D so keen!

Thanks again for the tips and birthday wishes smile


Ive only been to a place where you start in the water not on a bench…so you are starting on your back….its not a problem if you start already sitting or standing


I’m pretty bad at it as well, (only got up 3 times when I went once). But my tips for other people were:
1. Put weight on back foot and ride like you would powder snow
2. Don’t over lean to either side
3. Bend your legs more than you currently are (cause nobody bends their legs enough)
4. Relax and have fun.

When you get up, remember to go as wide as possible to stop the cable from losing it’s tenseness and pull it down to your hip prior to the corner and let it go back out at the apex of the corner.

Can’t wait to go back!


Happy belated birthday, Ash! cool smile


thannnnks Rider! So I’m wondering is it easier to take off/board in a board with slip in bindings or boots?