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Snowslider hits 1000

Instructor?? That depends on what you consider surviving, and how well you can work with a hangover. I know plenty of Instructors here who have not seen summer in a couple of years, they just chase the pow. Alot of them do have 2nd jobs here though.


Ahaha i dont get hangovers smile
I would love to just chase pow all my life. I really would. But I’d assume that a job as an snowboard instructor is very short-lived because once you hit the older ages, it would be a bit hard to be pulling steezy tricks in the park


No need to pull the steezy tricks to remain an instructor because ther are always first time riders that want to learn.
Ski patroll I think gets paid more and they are paid by the hour (if not volunteer), whereas an instructor only gets paid if they are teaching.
Living off instructor pay is hard to do, it surely isnt much money.
Get good job and snowboard when you can.
Or business and management and some department at the resort will eventually hire you in some department.


I hate to say this but my parents were right…. i was so insistent that at some point i wanted to drop out of school.
Sense comes with age, i’d say


I say finish school. I will always say that.
I mean travel and stuff when you are young, of course, but if you are in school stay until you complete SOMETHING.
Seriously it is hard to go back once making money full time. and even harder once you start a family or something.
Go to school while young and get an education so you can afford to do the things you want to do for the rest of your life.
The alternative is to not go to school and you may find yourself struggling to afford the things you want to do.


mmm i figured that out after i had some sense knocked into me.
i’ve got plenty of years in my future where i can look back and either say “look at me…. a dropout” or “i graduated with a decent score, went to uni, got the job i wanted”.
In my opinion, every kid goes through a rebellious stage. Mine just happened to be when i was unhappy with my school and just wanted to work on the snow.
Mark my words slider, every kid will have a rebellious stage wink

golfpunklegend - 05 September 2009 07:40 PM

Mark my words slider, every kid will have a rebellious stage wink

Still in my rebellious stage cheese

Nudge - 06 September 2009 05:03 AM
golfpunklegend - 05 September 2009 07:40 PM

Mark my words slider, every kid will have a rebellious stage wink

Still in my rebellious stage cheese

Slider, you’d better pray your kid’s rebellious stage dont stretch out like Nudge’s has….

golfpunklegend - 06 September 2009 07:52 AM
Nudge - 06 September 2009 05:03 AM
golfpunklegend - 05 September 2009 07:40 PM

Mark my words slider, every kid will have a rebellious stage wink

Still in my rebellious stage cheese

Slider, you’d better pray your kid’s rebellious stage dont stretch out like Nudge’s has….

I was young once too.
(Hey still am, right)

We all have our rebellious nature manifest in different ways.
I am sure Pauly will have his.


I remember that i was so rebellious that i said no to everything and sometimes, I’d be like “why did i just say no?!??!”
mmmm i hear if you make a child skip his childhood, you wont have to go through the rebellious stage :p

golfpunklegend - 06 September 2009 08:12 PM

I remember that i was so rebellious that i said no to everything and sometimes, I’d be like “why did i just say no?!??!”
mmmm i hear if you make a child skip his childhood, you wont have to go through the rebellious stage :p

lol skip how?? like in a cage? or a sweatshop?


Goddammit you revealed Nike’s secret to making kids skip childhood. Now everyone knows what their sweatshops are really for….


So Snowslider.. NFL Season kicked off today.. Awesome first game for the Steelers..

I thought about starting a new thread, but thought u’d be one of the only person who would talk about it..

Who do you go for? Looking forward to the season?


I enjoy watching football, but dont really have a fave team.
My brother likes the Dallas Cowboys, so I tend to watch their games.
The wife’s family is a little into the Washington Redskins, so I can watch those games at times too.
Really, if any game is on and I have time, I enjoy watching it.

Pittsburgh is a good team and they always have been. A lot of legacy there , they are always good to watch.

The family is into college football too, where Virginia Tech is the favorite team.
VT is only about an hour down the road, so it’s rooting for the home team, really.

You have any favorites?