The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
I hope that ya got somethin decent off the Old Man?????
And make sure ya hit Jezowitz up for a sticker pack or somethin too!!!!!
Cause when ya dated like me, ya tend to miss out on cool stuff like that!!!!!
Anyway, enough about my issues!!!!! Have a rippa!!!!!
Hahahaha! I only read that read that really quickly at first, and missed the “like” - so I first read “when ya dated me”, and was like WTF?!?!?!?!?!
Yay!! Its my Birthday, Thanks
Yeh, i got a new computer!
Happy birthday, Benj. I hope you have an awesome day, buddy!
And WTF, Mizu?!?!?! You mean just conceiving that kid isn’t enough? i’ve got to give him presents too?!?!?!?!
Yeh my i got a new computer!
Has it got spell check?????
Only kiddin, but you have to give us pics/stats on the new puwter!!!!!
^ I didn’t see that the benj had already posted that as i was writing. Yeah, wicked new pruter - ummmmmm, for school. MacBook Pro - dual-core i7 processors. Spoilt much?
Happy Birthday!!!!
At this time of year it must be great to feel like you get double pressie so quick in a row!
But must suck that there is a big gap between presents for the rest of the year!! So i reckon you should hit you dad up for a mid year celebration!!
Yeh my i got a new computer!
Has it got spell check?????
Hahahaha! I only read that read that really quickly at first, and missed the “like” - so I first read “when ya dated me”, and was like WTF?!?!?!?!?!
Ya might have to read 10k’s an hour slower from now on?????
happy bday mate…
Only kiddin, but you have to give us pics/stats on the new puwter!!!!!
yeh i will
Happy Birthday!!!!
At this time of year it must be great to feel like you get double pressie so quick in a row!
But must suck that there is a big gap between presents for the rest of the year!! So i reckon you should hit you dad up for a mid year celebration!!
nah, that’s why i’m gettin something as cool as the new computer
Happy Birthday buddy! Double pressies!