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Whats your “spoil” item?

That one thing that’s been on the back of your mind, the thing thats not really a necessity, definitely a luxury.
That extra thing that would just turn a bad day into a good one.
This got started on another thread by slider and enn zed.
For me, my spoil item would have to be a spankin new skate banana. I was gonna be greedy and say something like a stretch hummer or a mansion on the slopes but i think a skate banana would be sufficient raspberry


I have been thinking about the banana…
I must lay my hands on one first.
It is not as much of a rocker than I had thought… it is only between the bindings. and then flat under foot. yet the magne traction should help with the edge hold.. It is getting such good reviews.
I may splurge and buy one. Knowing that there are no industry deals on Lib and Gnu boards, so I would have to pay retail… Almost $500 USD.

Other than that, my splurge item would be yet another pair of gloves, which I dont need…

Other than snowboarding:
Chirashi bowl at any good sushi place.


My spoil items would be jackets. My very first jacket is still in good shape and does the job, but every year I buy a new jacket or two….*hands head*.

Skate Banana is great, definitely lots of hype that hasn’t seem to have died down yet. I guess it did restart the new ‘rocker’ trend thats so big this year. Great board to get for a first rocker board. What I’d love to try is Capita’s FK boards, heard they are more fun then Skate Bananas (which have a really mellow rocker compared to some companies now).


Theres so much talk about the skate banana which is why i crave one. A shame that its nearing the end of season so if i got one, i wouldnt have much time to ride it.
then, i’d have to look at my board until next aus season…


Now would be the best time to buy. Most stores have gone on sale. If you want one, get one now.


im quite sure you would have heard of national service jer?
I’ve got to go back to singapore to do it next year but im not sure when so im really hesitating on buying a new board. I will have time to ride it overseas from december onwards but ill be cooped up in the army for 2 year after that.

rider26 - 24 August 2009 12:13 AM

Now would be the best time to buy.

rider26 - totally off topic, but when I read what you said, you sounded like a real estate agent smile

kort - 24 August 2009 12:37 AM
rider26 - 24 August 2009 12:13 AM

Now would be the best time to buy.

rider26 - totally off topic, but when I read what you said, you sounded like a real estate agent smile

Haha yeah… I guess working in a shop I know how quickly Skate Bananas sell. I wouldn’t imagine there are too many left in stores. As soon as the sales start they will go very quickly.

golfpunklegend - 24 August 2009 12:19 AM

im quite sure you would have heard of national service jer?
I’ve got to go back to singapore to do it next year but im not sure when so im really hesitating on buying a new board. I will have time to ride it overseas from december onwards but ill be cooped up in the army for 2 year after that.

No I didn’t know about that. Is that compulsory for you or something you want to do?


Its compulsory army service in singapore for 2 years. Singapore has this out for every boy who turns 18.


You live in Australia right? Do you have dual citizenship or something?


I do live in melbourne, i have a permanent residency status and I am becoming a citizen in about 10 months but its not soon enough.
The rules are really dodgy. Even if i do have my citizenship now, they’ll still call me back for service and my dad has a $80k bond on me so i cant really dodge it. Even if i do dodge it, the next time i step in singapore, i’ll be arrested


I can understand the jacket attraction.
I havent given in as i have many mid layer options and 2 outerlayer options, and a down jacket.. see when I look at jackets, I think yea I want a new wone, but when I look at all those I have, I havent worn them out yet.

It is a good thing when you ahve been riding long enough to have all the gear you need, and most of what you want. To the point that you can go 3 seasons and not buy anything…
Actually it only means I’m not riding as much as I should be smile


3 seasons not buying anything? that’d be some savings right there.
You could start investing on your little one and buy everything he needs to become a burton rider one day raspberry


My spoil item is also a jacket… the Ronin Stroll Down. So big and warm. Probably didn’t need it but I love it.

Although I think I have a few spoil items around the place.  tongue wink

I still have so many beanies with the tags still on them. I have a beanie fettish.


A good bottle of scotch, an new lens for the camera or a trip home to see some family would be my top 3.  and not in any specific order.