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What are your plans for xmas?


3 weeks off would be super!!

except for the fact i will have 3 weeks of work to catch up on when i get back to work :killjoy:


LOL ^^

I love how xmas day is so chill and lazy smile


^I ‘m guessing you’ve never had all the family to your place for lunch and present opening.

The second half of the day is chill and relaxed but those first few hours of the day…!!!!!!!


We don’t have much family here, they all moved to Melbourne and Brissy. So it’s basically just my parents and I and a couple of my mates. smile

Although when I was younger we would go to my Aunties house cos she had a lot of room in the backyard for a BBQ and a pool for all of us to go swimming.


i hated the big family christmas thing. hence why im avoiding it by going to Tahoe earlier than originally planned, now im going to shred in a santa suit and watch the first games of the NBA,

cant…f*#king wait


footage of you shredding in the santa suit please, deano!


i hope xmas is hot as ive got my hands on a large roll of perfect for slip n slide plastic, which as you might have worked out im going to turn into a big ass slip n slide. Ive got even grander plans for it after xmas that i hope will work. Im hoping to borrow a smallish water pump from a friends dad, take the plastic and pump down to beach near my house, set up slide so it starts in the dunes and heads down to the water (tide permitting) a slide of about 40ish metres, then pump sea water to top of slide and get all slip n slidey rad!!


working all through christmas :(

cords - 01 December 2011 10:51 AM

footage of you shredding in the santa suit please, deano!

consider it done

trentradpants - 01 December 2011 11:29 PM

i hope xmas is hot as ive got my hands on a large roll of perfect for slip n slide plastic, which as you might have worked out im going to turn into a big ass slip n slide. Ive got even grander plans for it after xmas that i hope will work. Im hoping to borrow a smallish water pump from a friends dad, take the plastic and pump down to beach near my house, set up slide so it starts in the dunes and heads down to the water (tide permitting) a slide of about 40ish metres, then pump sea water to top of slide and get all slip n slidey rad!!

did you see the footage of the people going down slip and slide plastic into the lake in the best thing on the internet thread??

ozgirl - 02 December 2011 03:16 AM
trentradpants - 01 December 2011 11:29 PM

i hope xmas is hot as ive got my hands on a large roll of perfect for slip n slide plastic, which as you might have worked out im going to turn into a big ass slip n slide. Ive got even grander plans for it after xmas that i hope will work. Im hoping to borrow a smallish water pump from a friends dad, take the plastic and pump down to beach near my house, set up slide so it starts in the dunes and heads down to the water (tide permitting) a slide of about 40ish metres, then pump sea water to top of slide and get all slip n slidey rad!!

did you see the footage of the people going down slip and slide plastic into the lake in the best thing on the internet thread??

I did indeed and it was the inspiration for my slide activities.


Heading up to Sydney to spend Christmas with the fam. Flying or driving (haven’t decided yet) up on the 23rd. I was planning on spending NYE up there, but I’m now going to head back to Melbourne on the 30th.

Once I’m back down here I’m spending NYE at a mates place, and then chilling till I go back to work on the 9th. Hopefully might head down the coast for a surf at some stage, but that’s about it.


Getting gifts, drinking, eating and partying =D


Its just around the corner! :O

Sc4rF4c3 - 08 December 2011 11:33 PM

Getting gifts, drinking, eating and partying =D

couldnt put it any better!