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Video Feedback and Critique


Hey guys, post your videos that you have made here and you will get some feedback on what people like and don’t like about your videos, keep in mind its all to help you become a better filmer / editor so don’t be getting upset.

I’m sure ill be posting quite abit on here because i am studying it and its also what i do in my spare time, not sure if they have to be sports related but post what you got here and we will so how it goes.

thanks for the help and i look forward to hear what you think.


This was my first edit for the Perisher season this year, not sure if i uploaded it properly but i hope it works.

gimme as much feedback as possible plz lol

EDIT: Fixed the embed for you. All you need is the numbers are the part of the URL. Click ‘EDIT’ to see what I mean. Cheers, rider26.


ok sweet i got it YEW!!!!


My only critique is the “shakeyness” i know its virtually impossible to keep perfectly still but once id noticed it, i couldnt un-notice it and then i noticed it even more and i became aware of how prevalent it was.
But other than that, it was pretty rad, i give it 8/10 flying mongrels


Whoops.  I just posted an edit in a separate forum topic.  Please check it out if you get the chance.


Generally a pretty good edit.  Had a good flow to it.  Only issues I had was, as mentioned before, the shaky hand here and there.  The white of the snow seemed to be blown way out.  You should be able to lower/darken the whites in editing so that you can see more definition in the snow.  Some parts it was hard to distinguish between the jumps and the flat ground.  Also, I know its not always possible, but try and avoid having your shadow in the shot.

Good work.


yeah thanks for the feedback, it was shaky because the pole we had broke halfway through the day lol.

ill try and work on the colours in my next few winter edits, gonna have to try and do some skating ones now


Cool edit, Rick!!!!! I Liked it!!!!!!

It did have the shakes a bit but wasn’t that bad imo!!!!!

What sort of pole did ya use????? Looks like a GoPro from the shadow, yeah????? What software did ya use to edit it?????


that is it a go-pro mizu its a go-pro but its connected to a fishing rod lol, its heaps lighter then a ski pole so we thought we would try it, worked good if you ask me

Ill see how it goes with a ski pole next time, i used final cut pro to do all the editing and i just got motion and that is a crazy program, does anyone here know how to use motion on the mac? its got me scared lol

did you like me in the pink one piece lol


That was you in the pink!!!!!! Hahahahaha, niceee!!!!!  kiss


haha looks hot i know, yer I’m the dude with the bataleon eviltwin classic (black & white board) we all took it in turns filming

ill put another video i did on my go-pro, its a time lapse i did in canberra from my house and its one of my fav ones that i have done.

let me know what you think


Nice.  What time intervals did you shoot at (i.e. 1 shot every 2 secs etc)?


nice vids! nice tame dog as well!


it was filmed on my go-pro so it was filmed at normal speed, i just changed the speed of it when i uploaded it in fcp i think its 8x normal speed or so, something along those lines lol.



Videography is the act of editing/filming < From your first post. wink

Motion scares me too.

Filming is often called shooting because unless you keep your weapon(camera) perfectly still you miss the shot. If you miss the shot it means what you had in your site got away.
99% of the time it should be “left on the cutting room floor”.

I considered using a fishing pole for a PoleCam but assumed it would be to wobbly and cause to much shakyness. What is you opinion?

Haven’t watched your edits yet will later and then leave feedback.
I’m stickying this thread. Thanks for creating it Rick.


yer thanks for making it a sticky spaz!!

the fishing rod pole works really well i think, we tried it a few different time with different ways but in the end we used the handle where the grips are for vibration dampeners, i think it worked well but mind you that was after we destroyed about 5 fishing rods and shot half our footage for the season.

i just bought a tutorial on how to use motion, i hope its not to hard, but its how i learned to use final cut and that doesn’t scare me anymore so hopefully it goes the same with motion lol

thanks again spaz