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BW job board


So we moved up the central coast for my husband’s work (which he is really enjoying!) and I need a job.

Was wondering on the off chance if anyone might know of any work up here? I’ve been applying for all sorts of things from all sorts of sites but haven’t got any nibbles yet and wondered if our fantastic community on here might be able to help?

I’m a trained teacher (so I’m really responsible!) but I’ve done and enjoyed every kind of job from cleaning to lifeguarding, to refilling lolly boxes in a supermarket, to reception/sales/cashier.  I’d be interested in anything casual/PT/FT…hard to get a start when you don’t know anyone up here.

Cheers in advance if anyone can help!


Cords, the only option I have up there might not take your fancy as it would be in a retirement home in Erina or maybe a hotel/motel at the entrance?


Hey Cords
I’ve lived on the central coast all my life (except for when I was chasing the winter).
I’m happy to answer any questions u have about the place but I don’t personally know of any jobs going right now.
But it is coming up to christmas so if u don’t care what kind of job, my advice is print about 50 resumes and go to Erina Fair and Tuggerah Westfield and hand them in everywhere.
There are endless amount of shops in those 2 places and they will be looking for extra help for christmas.
I’ve recently moved back to the coast to start uni and I just got myself a job at Alpine Beach by doing exactly what I just said (Alpine Beach is in Erina but not Erina fair if u wanna come and say hi).

The coast has more people than jobs so it’s tricky (a lot of people commute to sydney for work) but if you’re persistent u can find work somewhere.
Happy Hunting


Have you put your name down at a few schools cords for CRT work?


Thx for your replies everyone.
Billy, I haven’t put my name down for relief teaching yet. Its the middle of 4th term and casual work is really hard to come by, even when you’re already well known to school - as teachers of year 12 and year 10 are now free to cover any periods needed & things are really winding down for the year. There aren’t camps/excursions or much like that either. I figured if I showed up bright and early in Term one, I would have a much better chance of getting work. My brother works in some schools around here so that def helps & I’ll get on to it early next year.

Nthnbeachesguy - A hotel/motel at the entrance could be sweet? Its only 10mins away and I don’t really care what I do. Is it cleaning or something? I’d prefer regular hours mon-fri but an open to anything at this stage. Retirement home at Erina could be good too. Fill me in?

Andy - I’m def gonna do a resume run, but at the ripe old age of 29, am not sure that people just don’t want to hire 18yr olds that are cheap labour that do the same thing? I’m not sure I really rate my chances but I’ll give it a go one day soon. Whats alpine beach?


You’d be suprised how many places (not surf / skate / music shops) would prefer a 29 year old that will get the work done with minimal gossip / chatter over an 18 year old that has had 1 part time job in their life and has never used a cash register…


Cords it’s a chat best left to PM but a good mate of mine is involved, might not have anything going but I can definitely ask and send in your CV for you.


Ahhh very true… I keep forgetting how quickly this term has gone and how close Christmas is!!!


Cords - might be good to check out the schools now to see if any teachers are leaving or away next year, make yourself know to the principals etc


^^ absolutely - around this time schools start advertising for next year!


Yeah thanks guys, my problem is that any kind of permanent position isn’t an option for me at this stage. Me and my husband are planning to go back to sweden for as long as possible in June/July so he can see his family & friends he hasn’t seen for 3 years so…
(a) 2 wks school holidays isn’t enough time and
(b) I wouldn’t want to be asking for time off aside from the holidays that early into a new position (even leave without pay) and
(c) I’m going to be studying for my Masters at the same time

pretty much I’m just looking for something casual, part-time or even full-time (if it was the right kind of job - one that doesn’t require you to do anything out of hours) for about 6 months. I’ve even sent off my resume to a mate who works in the mines in W.A. on a 2 week on/1 week off fly-in, fly-out basis. I’m not sure I could manage the study with it yet though but the money would be sweeeeet - he gets $1600pw after tax for being a dishpig!