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California / Oregon / Colorado / Maybe Utah

G’day guys,

I’m planning a trip now for early Jan through Feb and could use any advise on the following for each state;

OR - Portland
CO - Denver


If anyone could give me mountain tips, accommodation, things to do (both snow and non snow related) that would be awesome!

Also, if anyone is going to be in any of those listed states maybe we could catch up for a beer, sightseeing and some boarding.


EDIT: Will be leaving from Sydney.


Same dates and locs for a trip I’ve got planned, cept I’ll be making a right turn at Tahoe and heading east to UT, WY and CO.

Pretty hard to answer your question, way too many variables. Perhaps you could start by identifying the key mountains you want to visit and let this dictate your itinerary.

As a start, I’d check out:

Mammoth Mountain, CA
Vegas, NV
The Tahoe resorts, NV
Resorts near SLC
Vail / Aspen / Copper, CO
Jackson hole WY? I’ve never been but plan to see what all the fuss is about.

This could go on and on…I’ll stop now smile


LA - Head to Santa Monica and Venice Beach for a whole day. It’s awesome! Of course there’s other things to do and see… Hollywood, theme parks such a Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm (awesome if you like big roller coasters). Mountains: check out Mammoth and/or Lake Tahoe.

CO - Vail was a stand-out resort for me; huge resorts, heaps of really good terrain, awesome on a powder day. Breckenridge has excellent terrain parks. You might as well try to get to a few resorts in Summit County. They are all fairly close to each other and use the same lift pass.

I haven’t been to any of the other states but I would love to ride Utah. Check it out if you get the chance. The snow quality is meant to be some of the best on Earth.

Let us know how your plans come together. Sounds like you’re going to have an amazing trip! cool grin


Hi Jas,

Cali, Oregon, colorado is one mother of a triangle. Big difference in km’s! Will you be flying or drive between them?

What is your reason for going to Oregon in particular?

I would suggest doing Cali, highway 1 is a great drive between LA and SF, I would hit up Tahoe resorts and then head to Salt Lake City and then over to Denver.

I know a lot of people who follow the storms and would love to do a trip like that to the above regions.

I Love Vegas and would def suggest heading there if you have the time.

I would suggest an itinerary LAX, SF, Tahoe, Vegas, SLC, Colorado resorts (the EPIC pass would be a great pass for this trip, Hevenly, Northstar, Beaver Creek, Keystone, Vail, Breckenridge, but def get a day ticket or two to other resorts as well)



I’m spreading the trip over a month or so, if not longer. I’ve decided that working is for smucks. Too many wasted hours driving in circles looking for a car space or in traffic.

Basically I want to fly between the destinations and use public transport. Therefore Mammoth isnt really an option. I really want to goto SLC but i heard its full of mormons so basically i’ve put CO in there.

-CA - LA-
look around

-CA - SF-
Look around

-OR - Portland-
beautiful city
mt hood
maybe mt bachelor

-CO - Denver-
Vail / Aspen / Copper - whats the transport line from denver to these places?

feel free to copy and paste my list and add things for me to do to it.

im planning on couchsurfing (staying with host families) close to the mountains / places i wanna visit / stay.

Rider: wouldnt it be a bit cold during winter to spend the day at the beach? :D


If you really want to see America I highly recommend driving. If you’re too young to hire, you can pick something decent up for $500ish from a sh/tty car yard (or ebay one, and have the guy pick you up at the airport as part of the deal smile ) No need to worry about rego or US licence for only two months.


I’ve just moved to SLC for work. If you let the ‘they’re all mormon’ thing put you off, you’re an idiot. 5 world-class resorts within 40 minutes of downtown? Winning x 5!


Well, it was either SLC or Denver. I really wanted to do SLC but people kept whinging to me about the mormons.

SLC was my first choice. Should i stick with SLC?

As for the driving, i am 23 so yeah, i can legally drive a car. But for instance, its a 6 hour drive from LA to SF. And it would be pretty boring going that solo…

Also, it might be worth noting that im sick of driving and mucking around with vehicles. So public transport / airport is gunna play a huge role in my adventure.

Also, if you guys are gunna be in any of the areas posted, please post the dates! I intend on getting a prepaid phone whilst over there and having access to skype etc.

jason2233 - 03 November 2011 12:35 AM

Rider: wouldnt it be a bit cold during winter to spend the day at the beach? :D

Not to swim but to walk around. Dress warm if it’s cold. But yeah, Venice Beach is a sick place to go for a walk and hang out. We love it down there. FYI, Santa Monica and Venice Beach are right next to each other, walking distance. It’s a really fun, cultural, and vibrant part of LA.

Santa Monica Beach

Santa Monica Beach

Walking to Venice Beach

Chillin’ at a bar on Venice Beach

Heaps of cool artists and market-type stalls all along the walkway. Quality stuff.

The Venice Beach Freakshow

Walking back to Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica

You get the idea… wink

AJ2theC - 03 November 2011 01:37 AM

If you really want to see America I highly recommend driving. If you’re too young to hire, you can pick something decent up for $500ish from a sh/tty car yard (or ebay one, and have the guy pick you up at the airport as part of the deal smile ) No need to worry about rego or US licence for only two months.

100% agree with this. Love US road trips.


Hmm. I’ll look into it now. Although driving solo in an unfamiliar country might be a bit daunting raspberry Although it would make getting around easier, especially with a snowboard and worst case scenario i can sleep in the car smile I’ll bring my sleeping bag and bivvi!


Its not daunting at all. You will be fine and a lot more interesting the greyhound!

Think of the freedom you would have to follow the snow! I def think the epic pass is the way to go for you.


dont you need to be 25 to hire a car?


Can only rent the regular/economy style cars. Cant rent luxury / premium etc.


Did ya drink Erdinger Crystal at the cafe, Jez?????

What an awesome brew!!!!!  drool

deanobruce - 03 November 2011 07:58 AM

dont you need to be 25 to hire a car?

Nah they changed that years ago. Actually about the same time i turned 25 LOL