The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The nic and golfpunklegend conversation thread

wow what an EPIC thread just read it from start to finish.


How long ago did you start reading it? :p


Ha it was a long read, not sure how long but i cant quite remember what i was watching on telly last night LOL


Yeah this thread has the effect of causing memory loss and heart conditions because it is that long wink


Hey Nic, not sure if you do further maths but i saw the course today and i just laughed.
Its amazing. Its stuff like “which side of this triangle is the hypotenuse(the longest side)?” im sure theres a few things slightly harder but the fact that they even have that question….


Nope, math methods all the way (although seriously what is the purpose for a large proportion of it :S)


there is no purpose really. Not unless engineering is a possible career for you.
you might need exponentials in biology but other than that, the course is similar to that which engineering requires