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My 1st time - I’m hooked


Well, I just got back from my first time snowboarding, at Buller.

I’ve never had so much fun, but so much pain at the same time.  :p

I have to tell you, after one run I was totally hooked.

We got there late on Friday night, so we didn’t get a chance to go out. Yesterday we got up early, and I went straight to ski school and booked myself in for a 1 hour private lesson. Best choice I made all weekend I think. The lesson was great. It took the whole hour to get down Bourke St, where my instructor taught me the basics (skating, j-turn, falling leaf etc) after which he left me at the bottom and told me to go for it. So I called my mates and they were at the top of Bourke waiting for me.

So I got myself to the top of the run and did one run with them, just sort of cruising down. Once we got to the bottom they were pretty happy with how I’d picked it up, so we jumped on another lift and the took me to the Wombat run. That was MUCH harder than Bourke, with a few more technical parts, but I think they kind of forced me to try new things.

After I did one run of Wombat, we did the Lt Buller Spur run, and I LOVED it. It was a little hard for me at first as I had to take a few corners on my toes, which I was no good at, but after each run I got better and better, and started to get more comfortable with linking turns together etc. We stayed on that run for the rest of the day.

I can’t tell you how much fun I had. I was just awesome. It was REALLY hard work. Getting up off the ground all the time after falling killed me. Probably the worst bit for me. Especially since I have a hard time getting up on my heels, so had to roll over onto my toes to get up all the time. But it was so worth it.

Today was a bummer though. After picture perfect weather yesterday, it all went bad overnight, and the lifts were closed today, so we came home early.

Sorry for the massive post, but I just wanted to share how much I enjoyed it.


Good to hear it was so much fun. I remember my first time having to get up on my toes after half a day. Unfortunate about today but sounds like it was a great weekend for you!


Happy days Tills. I find snowboarding a very healthy addiction. Hope you get to the snow again over the coming weeks.


Congrats Tills.
Hows the bum?


Mate, the tailbone is pretty sore, but not as bad as I was expecting. My quads on the other hand are killing me. I’m having a had time lifting my legs from a seated position.  raspberry

Can’t wait to get out there again. They’re not expecting very good conditions for a while up there, but I’ll keep an eye on it, cause I’m keen to have another crack asap.


Hell yeah dude.
Thats how the first day is. Sore ass, sore everything really.

golfpunklegend - 16 August 2009 09:54 AM

Hell yeah dude.
Thats how the first day is. Sore ass, sore everything really.

Days after my first time boarding I was still a bit sore in the legs.


I’d bet that we are were.
The first day is never the best.
I didnt go for lessons… that was no fun at all

golfpunklegend - 16 August 2009 10:18 AM

I’d bet that we are were.
The first day is never the best.
I didnt go for lessons… that was no fun at all

Lesson on the first day is good. Learn to get going and then just keep practicing for the rest of the day is great fun


I used to be a skier.
One day, my mate said you should try to board.
I said ok, so i borrowed all his spare gear whilst we were up there for interschools and the first run down in the morning from my lodge is Standard on Buller which is intermediate and icy… lets just say i was in pain for the next couple of weeks :(


Till, thanks for sharing! no need to apologize, I’d love to hear more stories like yours.
Be sure to stick around these forums and ask questions about riding that come up, we are here to help.

topics like this that discuss the importance of learning to develop both edges and feeling comfortable using your toes just as much as your heels..

Among other topics around here that will all be very beneficial to you.

Including articles like this:
That discuss basics such as a balanced body position that are crucial to continuing to progess.

Sounds like you had a great first day and progressed very fast!


Welcome to the family tills… Wait untill you ride some mtn’s overseas!! Mind blowing stuff right there!!

Keep shredding!!


Hey Tills that’s awesome! I love it when people get hooked on snowboarding. It’s so much fun and became such an important part of my life so quickly. Ride as much as you possibly can. As surferguy56 said, welcome to the family. smile


Awesome stuff!!!


Thanks for the welcome guys.  smile

Still a little sore today actually, but not too bad. I’m trying to sort out at least one more trip before the end of the season.

As I said, the lesson was a great move, and I think I’ll even do another one next time up.

I’m still pumped from the weekend, and I think a few people might be sick of hearing about it, but it’s all good.  smile

Oh, and races down Bourke St sitting on our boards after hours at the pub were EPIC!.

Tills - 18 August 2009 04:42 AM

Oh, and races down Bourke St sitting on our boards after hours at the pub were EPIC!.

Haha, you should try a tyre tube from the top of a run, it hurts to fall off then avoid lifties raspberry