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Surfing is such a fun sport and a great way to spend your leisure time in the summer. I would encourage anyone who hasn’t tried surfing to give it a go this summer. Like any sport, there is a learning curve, but this can be done safely whilst having fun.
So, who’s planning on learning to surf this summer?
I am planning to re-learn how to surf this summer.. technically learned few years ago, but after going a couple times moved to Alice Springs for a couple years, last time i tried conditions were above my ability- but so keen to have another go!!
As this is my first summer in Aus in 4 years it’s high time I learn how to surf properly (I’ve had a half assed go for about an hour).
I don’t know if it’s the cool thing to do or not in surfing but I’m gunna get some lessons and learn properly and if I like it I might get myself a board and get into it. I found a skate park on the beach which would work perfectly for the whole skate/surf summer i have in mind
Hopefully for some of you surfing becomes what snowboarding has been for me for the past couple of years, something brand new and exciting where you improve on a daily basis. The best thing about surfing is that it’s all year round as well which is my biggest problem with snowboarding although my wallet probably appreciates the time off. Thats another thing, surfing is a lot cheaper than boarding per hour, almost incomparably cheaper.
As far as lessons go, they are very worthwhile when beginning, however the learning curve is a lot longer and steeper then boarding and one of the hardest aspects is surf awareness that can’t really be taught, it only comes with time in the water. It is a lot harder to get to a decent level with surfing than it is boarding IMO, the trick is to be introduced to it the right way and have enough fun to get hooked. Surf schools generally provide this initial fun and attraction through the choice of location, the boards they use and employing the right instructors.
Once you have had some lessons you have to keep at it, at least once a week if you want to progress. It’s a fairly big commitment but it doesn’t really seem like that really, as a teenager and early 20’s it was pretty much all encompassing, my entire life revolved around the surf and to a certain extent still does. When I bought my latest car I walked into the dealership with a board under my arm, got some strange looks from the sales guys but once I explained that if the board didn’t fit it I wasn’t buying they took a great interest in surfboards ha ha!
If you keep surfing long enough to get barrelled properly that will be a real eye opener!
That’s awesome, Andy. I’m stoked you’re giving it a real go this summer.
Definitely take the lessons to start with. They will teach you the basics, plus you get to use their surfboards which are great to learn on (and not the type you would want to buy).
When you’re ready to buy a surfboard, let me know. I’ll help you get a good deal.
BW Surf Day?????
Yeah Bungan beach is the venue….........................
Surfing is a religion not a sport.
If you want to learn to surf you have to attend church. The ocean is your church.
It will give more to your soul than any prayer.
More to do with experiencing the ocean - her harshness, her anger, her desire, her pleasure, frustration and fear.
It’s better than sex.
Better than life.
Commit your life, heart and body.
Learn to surf, find the addiction and it will give you a life that will reward your soul and fill you with desire you never knew.
Everything else becomes insignificant. It will cure all and reward you heaven.
I have never personally been into that whole “Surfing is my Religion” thing!!!!! I did have the O&E sticker on my car though!!!!!!
But I do believe in havin the utmost respect for the Ocean, as it is the biggest beast on the planet, and it can have ya whenever it wants!!!!!
The key to surfin is just to have fun, and respect for the water and the all of the livin creatures that use it!!!!!
Andy, I’m pretty sure that you’ll kick arse!!!!!
Cheers Jez I reckon I might take u up on that, Nikky and I are still yet to get out there but as soon as this rain leaves we are getting a lesson.
And Spaz!... That was pretty damn poetic man. I like it, I’m sure I’ll love surfing and if it’s like any other board sport it will definitely take hold of me.
But just like learning to skate I think the first year will kick my ass instead of the other way around Miz. But it makes getting new skills down even more rewarding. I’ll try and get some epic fail photos of our first surf up here for your entertainment.
BW Surf Day?????
Yes!!!! (pref. dates between 22-30 Jan )
BW Surf Day?????
Yes!!!! (pref. dates between 22-30 Jan
Now we just have to pick the spot!!!!!
I’m proud to say Nikky and I just rented some boards for 4 days and we’re about to go learn to surf YEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
I’ll post all our epic wipe outs and “possible” progress when we get home.
Here we go day 1!!!..... get ready to laugh
Have fun, Andy!!!!!
Can’t wait to hear/see the stories!!!!!
If I could just give ya one tip though????? Stay the right way up as much as possible!!!!!
That’s awesome, Andy! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Day one:
Nikky has already had a few lessons but was way better than she let on. Straight up first wave leaving me .... I’ve got some work to do.
After 2 or 3 waves I managed to stand up but only long enough to sink and not really ride the wave.
It was taking me a long time to get up on the board compared to Nik who was jumping up like a champ.
(my excuse was there was no wax where my hands were and they kept slipping off, the reality was, there WAS no wax but really I was gripping on for life so hard that it caused my hand to slip off )
So my goal of the day was to get up properly, so I tried and tried, got frustrated and then tried some more.
And then finally I popped straight up and got on the wave properly and rode it for 5-10 seconds.
It was time for lunch but I was so stoked on the feeling that I insisted I had to get a few more so Nik stayed out for a bit longer.
The 3rd wave I got on properly I rode all the way to the shore and I was hooked right there and then. STOKED!!!
Went in for lunch and chucked on some wax around where I put my hands.
After lunch it started raining but we went out anyway. After one wave the sun came back out and then an hour of the most perfect little sets I’ve ever seen. Nikky continued to kill it and got the longest ride of the day. I could see her getting more balance and comfortable on the board too.
We both got at least 20 more waves and I got a lot more confident too (shuffling my feet around if I needed too, tilting the board to stay up rather than just bailing off the side).
Day one turned out way more awesome than I thought it would and wipe outs fairly friendly (sorry guys) although we both had a good nose dive each and I came up from mine covering my head, looking pretty dumb but I didn’t get drilled so that’s okay by me. Can’t wait for day 2!!!
Oh and if anyone is interested I couldn’t get beginner foam boards so we are both riding S7 Super Fish boards. I have nothing to compare it too but Nikky says they are a little harder to get up on but way more fun and have a lot better control.