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Global Warming and Snow Cover in Australia


There’s just as much, if not more, of that being forced on the public by the other side.

The other side being? I very much doubt that….. There is very little votes in this to be had by governments. Its not a vote winner here that’s for sure. It would be much easier to let this one slide.

Not even close. There’s PLENTY of vested interests on the part of governments, renewable energy companies, carbon traders etc.

The money in renewable energy in minuscule in comparison to fossil fuels. The money the Australian Government receives through taxes associated with Mining Dwarfs that coming from renewables. If anything the vested interests in Government are that business stays as usual,Whilst pretending to make changes to appease the crowd. 

It’s a struggle to find relevant/reputable scientists not receiving funding from government agencies.

Where exactly should they receive funding from? Impossible to do the work without funds i’m afraid and the likes of you would be up in arms if it came from any where else. Following your logic…..the funds would dry up pretty fast if the Climate debate was concluded as there would be no need to focus all the scientific energy on it. keep the debate going and there is piles of funding coming for the foreseeable future!

. . . and yet…the carbon tax seems like an excuse for business as usual to me.


we can agree on some points it seems


Whoa, there’s been some serious discussion over the forums over the past few days….........who wants a beer? wink


Honestly, if they cant tell you with any certainty how much snow we are going to get 1 week out, how the fark do you really expect them to know 39 years in the future?  If you want a government grant for scientific study these days, the best and easiest way to get funding is for it to be related in some way to climate change.  I think I am going to ask for funding to see first hand how climate change is effecting Australias surfing beaches through summer and Australias ski runs through winter and as long as I come to the conclusion that climate change is bad and thus perpetuate the myth everyone will be happy.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sticking my head in the sand and saying humans have no impact, we have an enormous impact on this planet however there is a myriad of other ways I think I believe we will kill this planet long before carbon dioxide build up has anything more than a negligible effect.  Politicians love it as it’s another disguise for a tax but this one is politically correct as it’s green.  Hell it even makes my job easier, it’s forcing my clients to spend more money but I still think it’s a rip.

One things is for sure, I can’t change any of it so I’m not going to worry myself thinking about it.  I do enjoy healthy debate on the matter though, if I wasn’t so knackered after taking my girl out for bday dinner I would continue but it will havta wait till tomorrow!

Billy - 11 October 2011 11:25 AM

Whoa, there’s been some serious discussion over the forums over the past few days….........who wants a beer? wink

me! lets all be friends tongue wink

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 11:16 AM

There’s just as much, if not more, of that being forced on the public by the other side.

The other side being? I very much doubt that….. There is very little votes in this to be had by governments. Its not a vote winner here that’s for sure. It would be much easier to let this one slide.

Really? Are you serious??? You’re seriously ignoring the massive amount of government propaganda we’ve been forced to endure??? And are you forgetting that the federal Labor Party’s very existence relies on the carbon tax going through? Are you forgetting who’s really calling the shots at the moment? (hint, it ain’t the Labor Party)

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 11:16 AM

Not even close. There’s PLENTY of vested interests on the part of governments, renewable energy companies, carbon traders etc.

The money in renewable energy in minuscule in comparison to fossil fuels. The money the Australian Government receives through taxes associated with Mining Dwarfs that coming from renewables. If anything the vested interests in Government are that business stays as usual,Whilst pretending to make changes to appease the crowd.

The comparitive worth of the fossil fuel industry is irrelevant, because it doesn’t change the fact that the money to be made off ‘green initiatives’ is in the hundreds of BILLIONS. Do you REALLY think that’s not income that the people involved would like to guarantee/protect???

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 11:16 AM

It’s a struggle to find relevant/reputable scientists not receiving funding from government agencies.

Where exactly should they receive funding from?

Exactly, they’re the government’s puppets.

. . . the funds would dry up pretty fast if the Climate debate was concluded as there would be no need to focus all the scientific energy on it. keep the debate going and there is piles of funding coming for the foreseeable future!

Wrong. If the people paying their wages don’t get the ‘findings’ they want, funding dries up almost immediately - as others are found to act as the government’s yes men instead. Whereas as long as there’s some form of carbon taxing, the puppets have employment - provided they keep coming up with ‘research’ that ‘proves’ the scheme is ‘working’.

nthnbeachesguy - 11 October 2011 11:29 AM

. . . if I wasn’t so knackered after taking my girl out for bday dinner . . .

Dude, aren’t you supposed to get knackered AFTER you take your girl out for her birthday dinner?  wink


Like I said. The Labour Party are getting there arse handed to them in the polls. If you really think they are doing it for votes then so be it.
How about the Enron ads on the telly at the moment. Do Enron even have any benefit from those other than influencing opinion? no vested interests there? they don’t sell anything to us here under that brand so I don’t imagine anything much else in it for them.

Most of the junk I spout is just opinion. If your going to claim ‘facts’ again you really should cite some sort of source. Generally when you say its a fact its the most contentious point you make. If its your opinion, fair enough but don’t try and make out its fact.

Funding for these projects has been going of for years. Under BOTH sides of Parliament. Its far from a new thing. Your dreaming if you think big business doesnt’t have its hands right through our research institutions. UOW is a case in point. The ‘innovation’ campus is sponsored by industry and there is funding available to anyone that wants to   have the company logos splashed all over their papers, unless of course they want it to appear impartial, and then the logos disappear.  What funding dries up exactly? That sounds like here-say to me.

Billy - 11 October 2011 11:25 AM

Whoa, there’s been some serious discussion over the forums over the past few days….........who wants a beer? wink

who would have thought when opening up a thread titled Global Warming and Snow Cover in Australia that it would get all political!  wink

any beers left? I think beer procrastination is probably better then the procrastination i’m doing here

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 01:10 PM

Like I said. The Labour Party are getting there arse handed to them in the polls. If you really think they are doing it for votes then so be it.

C’mon, wake up! Did you even read what I wrote??? Did I say “they are doing it for votes”? NO! The fact that the Labor Party are getting there arses handed to them in the polls is exactly WHY they’re going along with this. (hint: go back and read what I actually wrote, and maybe you’ll figure it out)

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 01:10 PM

Most of the junk I spout is just opinion. If your going to claim ‘facts’ again you really should cite some sort of source. Generally when you say its a fact its the most contentious point you make. If its your opinion, fair enough but don’t try and make out its fact.

Are you reading the same thing as the rest of us??? As far as I can see, I’ve used the word “fact” once in this thread - in relation to a point so entrenched in common knowledge, it couldn’t be viewed as anything but.

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 01:10 PM

Your dreaming if you think big business doesnt’t have its hands right through our research institutions.

Huh??? Where did I say they didn’t??? Just like the government, they fund ‘research’ that supports their bottom line. Different researchers, different findings.


Hey Everyone,

Lets please not get personal in any debate.
It would be preferred that topics were discussed rather than debated.

It is a given that everyone has a different opinion, the world would be boring without it.

There is a seriously uncool vibe hanging about the place at the moment. downer

Cheers Azz (with his Mods hat on)


I’m back as me without that hat on now. smile

Today should be another very interesting day in federal parliament, the debate went late into the night last night in Canberra.

Back to the whole global warming thing, I am not convinced either way as to what may or may not happen/ is happening, but I know that I am seeing changes in my local area that indicate that the scientists who claim the sea levels will rise etc etc etc are correct in their predictions.

When I was a kid, once or twice a year we would get a king tide that put jetties under water, over the last three years, this has become a regular occurrence, once every second month or more.

As I said earlier in this thread, time will tell. I hope that the predictions are wrong.

Azz - 11 October 2011 07:34 PM

Hey Everyone,

Lets please not get personal in any debate.
It would be preferred that topics were discussed rather than debated.

It is a given that everyone has a different opinion, the world would be boring without it.

There is a seriously uncool vibe hanging about the place at the moment. downer

Cheers Azz (with his Mods hat on)

Azz to be honest I think that debate is a great thing as long as everyone plays the issue and not the man (woman as the case may be).  I think that the vast majority of ppl on here who can be bothered or feel strongly enough about something to bother replying are also mature enough to be able to discuss/debate an issue without resorting to personal attacks.  If you’re engaged in a debate and the other side resorts to that behaviour all it means is you have exhausted their intelligence, vocabulary and reasoning power and they have fallen back on the lowest common denominator, abuse.

If everyone sticks to these guidelines I see no reason why they should not be allowed to continue, they are interesting, thought provoking and concern a very real issue for all of us regardless of which side of the issue you’re on.  Who knows maybe even I, despite my gargantuan intellect and knowledge base might actually be able to learn something…......................

chucky - 11 October 2011 11:56 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 11 October 2011 11:29 AM

. . . if I wasn’t so knackered after taking my girl out for bday dinner . . .

Dude, aren’t you supposed to get knackered AFTER you take your girl out for her birthday dinner?  wink

My busted rib and stuffed elbow haven’t afforded me a full nights sleep in a month so I’m tired to start with and then knocking over a $150 bottle of red really put the brakes on ha ha!


I’m with nthnbeachesguy, MOST of us here can have a discussion without it turning into a full blown argument and things getting personal.

I think Crackers’ cartoon that he put up has the best take on this whole thing that I’ve read so far and would be interested to hear a “calm” chucky’s take on it..or anyone else that agrees with his general line of thought.

Also, if anyone is getting a beer, I’d LOVE a rekorderlig apple cider - thanks!

cords - 11 October 2011 10:15 PM

I’m with nthnbeachesguy, MOST of us here can have a discussion without it turning into a full blown argument and things getting personal.

I think Crackers’ cartoon that he put up has the best take on this whole thing that I’ve read so far and would be interested to hear a “calm” chucky’s take on it..or anyone else that agrees with his general line of thought.

Also, if anyone is getting a beer, I’d LOVE a rekorderlig apple cider - thanks!

Damn if your going to order a girls drink you can do it yourself!

But I would love a light beer chandy in a middy glass with a lemon twist if anyone is going to the bar….................................

Actually no, I would prefer a CC and dry in a pint glass thanks.