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Boardworld instagram for iPhone.

rider26 - 23 September 2012 11:34 PM

Hey guys, as you probably know, I have been unable to use Instagram on my iPhone 3, thus Boardworld has barely posted any photos (thanks to chucky for getting this started a while ago). Anyway, with my new phone coming, we want to get at least one solid Instagram promo/contest running to build up our following. To be honest, I barely even know how Instagram works, so please give me some ideas for a fun contest we can run to get Boardworld Instagram growing.

I reckon that if there was a way to link a “1 vote only member” vote system similar to the thread style poll, to the Boardworld feed, that would be cool!!!!! Nacho Libre?????

Mizu Kuma - 24 September 2012 12:37 AM
rider26 - 23 September 2012 11:34 PM

Hey guys, as you probably know, I have been unable to use Instagram on my iPhone 3, thus Boardworld has barely posted any photos (thanks to chucky for getting this started a while ago). Anyway, with my new phone coming, we want to get at least one solid Instagram promo/contest running to build up our following. To be honest, I barely even know how Instagram works, so please give me some ideas for a fun contest we can run to get Boardworld Instagram growing.

I reckon that if there was a way to link a “1 vote only member” vote system similar to the thread style poll, to the Boardworld feed, that would be cool!!!!! Nacho Libre?????

Do you really want another social media platform to deal with? I doubt you will reach any more people than you already reach on Boardworld fb, so you should think about whether the extra work is worth it. I predict instagram will peak and fade out anyway.

If you do decide to do it though, there is already a lot of people tagging #bw #boardworld #bwshred.

Perhaps a monthly/weekly contest or draw from all the photos that are tagged #boardworld in that month etc


CRACKERS, not sure why it won’t work on my phone. My iPhone is also the oldest out there and it runs like a piece of crap (calls barely work and it freezes all the time). Anyway, when I went to download it, it said it wasn’t compatible with my phone? Anyway, new phone on the way so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Boardworld on Instagram is a good idea I think. Instagram actually seems quite fun so I’ll probably enjoy playing around with it. Everyone is using it and it seems to be growing, so it’s just another way for us to reach out to people. I hate Twitter but we’re on that too.

I like the idea for that contest. I was thinking along the same lines.


Is there any stats available in regards to uptake/use etc of Instagram?????


Facebook bought it so they must think it is going to grow!

rider26 - 24 September 2012 01:48 AM

CRACKERS, not sure why it won’t work on my phone. My iPhone is also the oldest out there and it runs like a piece of crap (calls barely work and it freezes all the time). Anyway, when I went to download it, it said it wasn’t compatible with my phone? Anyway, new phone on the way so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Boardworld on Instagram is a good idea I think. Instagram actually seems quite fun so I’ll probably enjoy playing around with it. Everyone is using it and it seems to be growing, so it’s just another way for us to reach out to people. I hate Twitter but we’re on that too.

I like the idea for that contest. I was thinking along the same lines.

I agree that twitter isn’t the greatest of medias but getting followers and getting #boardworld trending would really help grow the site etc. Maybe get someone else to help out if you don’t want to deal with it…


I love twitter and happy to run it as a trial Rider?  I have access to Spaz acct and i haven’t done anything untoward to his acct (only helped him!)

Up to you - but yeah getting BW trending would be awesome!


I have a Twitter account too, but it kinda only works for a “in the moment” style feed?????

Like TV Forums etc!!!!!

But that’s just how I look at it?????


Not really Mizu.

I follow a couple of other forums on their and their mods will post on twitter a question/thread for people. Things like that.

There are heaps of ways to gain followers thru twitter. I honestly woudl love a month to show Rider what it could do.


twitter i started getting into but never took hold of it, seemed like too much effort…instagram on the other hand i love haha

in regards to a competition to get boardworld out there, why not hold a weekly/monthly competition where people have to place boardworld stickers in random spots and take photo’s of them to then upload to ig and then tag boardworld…kind of works in a promotional way as well in that people will see our posts along with the stickers wherever they may place them….if course, there would probably have to be rules to keep the forums out of an trouble with the law but i think this could work


Great idea RPS!


I get what your saying TJ…but in reality how many people actually use twitter? I read somewhere that it is a tiny tiny portion of the population, and then how many of that are snowboarders? and then on top of that, how many of them are potential new audience for BW that wouldn’t see BW on FB etc? I’m just suggesting that the effort outweighs any potential gains. 

Instagram is fun Jez so there is no harm doing it but you will just be reaching the same people you reach on FB, it isn’t a big new audience. Are you getting a iphone5? I heard they are good because they have bigger screens and allow you to see the bottom of the EPL table and thus determine exactly which place Liverpoo take up in the drop zone.

CRACKERS - 24 September 2012 12:33 AM

List of Instagram BWM usernames;

Mine is kriskoper

CRACKERS - 24 September 2012 02:35 AM

but in reality how many people actually use twitter?

Actually a lot.

People who have twitter accts actually use them far more than people with facebook.

This is why i would love the opportunity to run BW twitter acct. Just to see what would happen if it was utilized properly!

ozgirl - 24 September 2012 02:50 AM
CRACKERS - 24 September 2012 02:35 AM

but in reality how many people actually use twitter?

Actually a lot.

People who have twitter accts actually use them far more than people with facebook.

This is why i would love the opportunity to run BW twitter acct. Just to see what would happen if it was utilized properly!

i have to agree with Oz, there are companies coming out now promoting themselves through twitter..even putting up bonuses for their staff if they can get the most people following them on twitter promoting their products