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So what will they change the name of ‘slopestyle’ to?

ozgirl - 20 February 2012 08:04 AM
chucky - 20 February 2012 07:59 AM

If everyone does whatever they can, it gets done.

It costs next to nothing to send a few emails or letters. The threat of a mass boycott is enough to sway these corporations. If every snowboarder in the world got every single member of their family to contact LG, saying they won’t be buying any more of their products until the FIS gives snowboarding back to snowboarders, they’d have no choice but to take notice.

But that is my whole point! hundreds of thousands have signed to get Kyle off air and he is still on air!

So mass boycott threatened boycott doesn’t work - heaps of sponsors walked but kyle is still on air.

Honestly I really thought that the petition to get Kyle of air would work and it didn’t. So yeah I have lost the will to keep fighting the good fight.

No, it works. Nothing ever works 100% of the time, of course, but it does work, often.

You just need MORE people ‘for’ than ‘against’. MORE people want Kyle on air than off, it’s that simple.

Even when, as you said, some sponsors pulled support - there were plenty more scambling to fill their spots!

Nobody’s insisting that the FIS’s control of snowboarding is a good thing, except the FIS themselves - so there’s a LOT MORE people ‘against’ than ‘for’.


It does affect you Cords….the whole attitude to bodyboarding by the big surf companies is expressed everytime a surfer drops in on you or snakes you…they are interconnected whether you like it or not.  I’m not judging every single rider that goes in the Olympics…they must have their reasons but I don’t agree that the ends justifies the means…..would you do any job for anyone just as long as they paid you enough or made you a star? If I think some thinkgis wrong should I sit back and say nothing?

Kyle Sandilands?....haha how did that goon come up? who cares about him? Is that even close to the same thing???

CRACKERS - 20 February 2012 10:54 AM

It does affect you Cords….the whole attitude to bodyboarding by the big surf companies is expressed everytime a surfer drops in on you or snakes you…they are interconnected whether you like it or not.

yeah and at present, the world champ wears stand up company wetsuits, and appears in ads in magazines for them. Yes I hate it when I cop that attitude from standups but am I going to blame PLC, or Jake stone or anyone else who rides for a standup company? Not really. I think those standup knobs who are biased like that will always think of reasons to think of themselves as superior…and as far as matters for justice that I’m going to get up in arms about, that ain’t particularly high up the list. I’ll stick up for bodyboarding where and when I can but I’m not losing any sleep over it, either.



It looks like the FIS are already feeling the pressure - because there’s no way they’d normally agree to be part of something like this. In a bold move, TTR have devised a world ranking with them aparrently holding the reins. What does it mean in the big scheme of things? Not much really, but on the surface, it makes it look like TTR is calling the shots, and appearance is everything. Nice.

This just in from the TTR Press Office:

Updated: 20.02.2012

TTR Tour, X-Games, Dew Tour and FIS World Cup results in one World Snowboarding Points List.

Scuol, Switzerland - February 20, 2012:  TTR is making another major step in order to break down barriers in the world of competitive freestyle snowboarding, TTR Pro Snowboarding today announces the launch of the universal World Snowboarding Points Lists.  The new points lists will include available results from all major snowboarding events including the TTR World Snowboard Tour, XGames, Dew Tour and FIS World Cups.  They will provide world ranking lists for male and female halfpipe, slopestyle and big air athletes.

TTR President Reto Lamm: “This is the first ranking list of its kind for freestyle snowboarding and has been introduced by TTR Pro Snowboarding as a next step in advancing the organization of the sport. For the first time in its history, snowboarding now gets a transparent, up-to-date ranking resource. This allows fans, riders, event organizers and media to see who the truly best riders are. This is more proof of TTR´s efforts to provide the best competitive environment for the sport of snowboarding.”

With many separate organizations operating snowboarding events, the TTR has launched the new universal points lists to introduce a complete world ranking resource for riders, events, nations, media and the snowboard industry.  The purpose of the new points lists are to create a definitive world ranking that shows the true leaders in the disciplines of halfpipe, slopestyle and big air.   

The World Snowboarding Points Lists have been developed by TTR Pro Snowboarding in collaboration with national snowboarding associations around the world, riders, events and coaches.  The new lists will be available as public domain at as of today, February 18, 2012 and will be free for all to reference and use as a tool.  From this point forward, TTR Pro Snowboarding will use the lists for seeding and qualifying riders into TTR events.

The introduction of the World Snowboarding Points Lists is just one piece of a comprehensive strategy that TTR has developed in order to progress the organization of the sport and to further distinguish TTR as the leader in competitive snowboarding.

For more details on how the points lists work and how rider rankings are calculated, visit


This reaction/opinion is only conjecture on my part, as I’ve only just read this myself, so I haven’t really looked into it properly yet. But it definitely looks like a really smart move to me!


Personally I don’t think the parallels between snowboarding and bodyboarding are really that warranted, in my opinion they are very different beasts in regards to the sports that “birthed” them so to speak.  Bodyboarding is nowhere near as big and popular as snowboarding is, bodyboarding has never and maybe never will be able to run self sufficiently, snowboarding can. 

In terms of pure dollars I would be willing to bet that the snowboard industry is 20 times or more larger than bodyboarding.  I would also bet that when comparing parent sports to the new kid on the block snowboarding is probably astronomically closer to parity on a revenue basis to skiing than bodyboarding is to surfing.  Idealistically I understand the argument but this is primarily based around money and until bodyboarding is worth as much as the snowboard industry I doubt the ASP will ever really care about it, at this point they would probably consider an amalgamation with bodyboarding damaging to their “brand”.  I’m not having a go at bodyboarding I’m just telling it how I see it.


what he said ^^^

nthnbeachesguy - 20 February 2012 09:24 PM

Personally I don’t think the parallels between snowboarding and bodyboarding are really that warranted, in my opinion they are very different beasts in regards to the sports that “birthed” them so to speak.  Bodyboarding is nowhere near as big and popular as snowboarding is, bodyboarding has never and maybe never will be able to run self sufficiently, snowboarding can. 

In terms of pure dollars I would be willing to bet that the snowboard industry is 20 times or more larger than bodyboarding.  I would also bet that when comparing parent sports to the new kid on the block snowboarding is probably astronomically closer to parity on a revenue basis to skiing than bodyboarding is to surfing.  Idealistically I understand the argument but this is primarily based around money and until bodyboarding is worth as much as the snowboard industry I doubt the ASP will ever really care about it, at this point they would probably consider an amalgamation with bodyboarding damaging to their “brand”.  I’m not having a go at bodyboarding I’m just telling it how I see it.

It was just an very theoretical example that was close to cords and would point how how bodyboarders would feel about it…..nothing to take to heart and nothing that is actually likely to happen as there isnt enough money to tempt them….plus even surfers don’t like wearing surf clothes anymore so theres not much chance bodyboarders are going to start doing it wink


Good to see Travis fighting the good fight. This was on his Instagram:

CRACKERS - 20 February 2012 10:52 PM

Bahahahaahaaa!!!!!  LOL


kenny powers is awesome. the world could learn some valuable lessons from his wisdom.



LOL so funny!