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So what will they change the name of ‘slopestyle’ to?


Clearly it’s the FIS who are doing the “inciting” - THEY are the ones not allowing snowboarding to exist in its own right. The FIS has no interest whatsoever in “sharing” - so if it’s equality you’re after, you SHOULD be fighting the FIS.


I ride with skiers quite regularily and they are especially useful in the backcountry (ski cuts, looking over cornices, putting in traverse tracks etc). None of them want to destroy snowboarding and I highly doubt that today’s FIS is trying to make snowboarding less popular. It’s all about the money. They just want to control it. Renaming boardercross to snowboard cross is not such a big deal. People call it different things throughout the world anyways. My Japanese friends just say ‘cross’ -> Oh noes! (they also say too side, instead of toe side, but whatever).

If you look at modern freeskiing and snowboarding there is quite a lot of sharing and pushing each other going on. Snowboarding revitalized a stagnating skiing scene but more recently a lot of rocker tech is coming from skiing. Not sure who had rocker first, but it was def more popular in the ski world before the advent of the skate banana. I remember seeing a pair of Spats skis years ago and wondering why they were so bent (rockered). There was absolutely nothing in the snowboarding world then. So anyways, skiing and snowboarding are co-existing peacefully nowadays and nobody is trying to destroy the other.


You can deny the truth all you want, but that doesn’t change it. The skiers you hang out with do NOT represent the FIS, nor does the FIS represent them. The FIS only represent themselves and their own archaic, ignorant, megalomaniacal agenda - but THEY are the ones with all the power. Just because the FIS is dominated by skiers who would love nothing more than to be responsible for the demise of snowboarding, does NOT mean that every skier feels the same way.

It’s what the FIS’ renaming of boardercross stands for that’s the “big deal” - it shows that they don’t give a crap about snowboarding and its traditions, and are willing to trample all over them to get what they want. How much is enough? Are you also fine with changing “snowboarding” to “single-skiing”?

While we’re at it, it’s a tad difficult to specifically “look at modern freeskiing” - when you ask one skier, and they’ll tell you that “freeskiing” is big mountain backcountry skiing, but you ask another, and they’ll tell you that “freeskiing” is park skiing. As skiing’s governing body, the FIS can’t even keep their own house in order, but they want to control ours?!?!?! It pathetic.


Typical of the FIS, they have STOLEN the idea of ‘World Snowboard Day’ and started the FIS ‘World Snow Day’. Once again, they want to STEAL something that belongs to snowboarders and make it theirs. While this comes as no surprise, it does present an opportunity for snowboarders to unite as a voice - right in the FIS’s own backyard.

Here’s how:

While the FIS Facebook page is a closed group, ANYONE can post comments on the FIS ‘World Snow Day’ page - so as many people as possible should use the ‘World Snow Day’ Facebook page to let the FIS know exactly what we think of them trying to take over snowboarding!

Use the FIS ‘World Snow Day’ Facebook page to say as MUCH as you can, as OFTEN as you can! Here’s the page:

But DO NOT ‘Like’ the page (DON’T show support for the FIS). Just post as many comments on it as you can, telling the FIS to keep their hands of snowboarding!


I hear you, chucky.

chucky - 31 October 2011 01:53 AM

Typical of the FIS, they have STOLEN the idea of ‘World Snowboard Day’ (started six years ago) and now have their own FIS ‘World Snow Day’. While this dubious act comes as no surprise (the FIS have always been greedy thieves), is does present an opportunity for snowboarders to unite as a voice. Here’s why:

While the FIS Facebook page is a closed group, ANYONE can post comments on the FIS ‘World Snow Day’ Facebook page - so you should encourage as many people as possible to use the ‘World Snow Day’ page to let those self-absorbed pricks at the FIS know exactly what we think of them trying to take over snowboarding!!!

Use the FIS ‘World Snow Day’ Facebook page to say as MUCH as you can, as OFTEN as you can! This is the page:

But DO NOT ‘Like’ the page (that would show support for the FIS). Just post as many comments on it as you can, telling the FIS to keep their greedy, meddling hands of snowboarding!!!

Gamblor likes this post


I didn’t even notice the Olympics had changed the name to ‘Snowboard Cross’ although I do remember hearing it now that u mention it. Those cheeky little mofos. I don’t care, I’m still calling it Boardercross and all the BOARDERCROSS riders I know call it that too.

As far as Slopestyle goes I always wondered where they got the name. It sounds like a word made up by an event organiser.

I’m just putting this out there. The event in the Halfpipe is called… HALFPIPE
                              The event in the Park is called…..... Slopestyle???

JUST CALL IT TERRAIN PARK!!!! Or at least Freestyle.

I don’t really care if they keep calling it slopestyle but I have a feeling that if they change it, the name will only get weirder.

Andy Aitken - 31 October 2011 07:24 AM

I didn’t even notice the Olympics had changed the name to ‘Snowboard Cross’ although I do remember hearing it now that u mention it. . .

Yeah Andy, sucks.

A mate of mine commentates it for Australian TV’s official Olympic coverage, and he was always saying “boardercross” - right up until the first commercial break. We all know that the FIS/IOC want to have TOTAL control of everything (and have eyes everywhere), so I wasn’t at all surprised that he’s never used the term again in an official boradcast. Cheeky bugger though - he still says “boardercross” in unofficial broadcasts, and even had Eddie McGuire saying it at the last Winter Olympics. smile

Andy Aitken - 31 October 2011 07:24 AM

I’m just putting this out there. The event in the Halfpipe is called… HALFPIPE
                              The event in the Park is called…..... Slopestyle???

JUST CALL IT TERRAIN PARK!!!! Or at least Freestyle.

My vote’s for “Parkstyle”.


By the way, I should clarify that I enjoy riding with my skier friends - my beef is with the FIS/IOC.

Gamblor - 29 September 2011 01:00 PM

Not sure who had rocker first, but it was def more popular in the ski world before the advent of the skate banana. I remember seeing a pair of Spats skis years ago and wondering why they were so bent (rockered). There was absolutely nothing in the snowboarding world then.

Surfing was the originator of ‘rocker’!!!!!! Most likely designed from boat/ship concepts!!!!!!

And low and behold, it is a Board Sport!!!!!! Skiers are way down on the list for that one, and can’t claim that whatsoever!!!!!!


Just like ‘Burton’s’ channel technology, rockered snowboards were actually being built many years ago - but just like the original channel systems, the original rocker designs never took off, because it took the marketing power of a larger, more established company to make it popular.


Another one that sums it up nicely:


this is a very interesting thread!! I’m gonna check out that Facebook page

chucky - 28 November 2011 01:30 PM

Another one that sums it up nicely:

Lately around here there has been, sooooo much talk about hating the FIS (not such a bad thing;) ) and TALK of supporting snowboarding by snowboarders and for snowboarders….yet when the snowboarding run associations have their World Snowboard Champs and Terjes Quarter pipe comp, theres barely even a mention and very few people on here watching it…unlike the Olympic snowboarding (ie FIS) im guessing, which everyone will be watching. Sign all the petitions you want people, but unless there is the top riders and actually big numbers watching the feeds and the sponsors are seeing these large numbers, then the FIS will always remain the top dog.

anyways heres is all archived feeds from the comp…some of the finals are AMAZING, the mens slopestyle stands out as the one to watch.