The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What are you doing?



I live here in Whistler .. its the biggest blessing in the world, except its insanely expensive. So everyday I work at painting houses outdoors here in Town, hoping my 1000/2 weeks will somehow manage to keep me alive for this winter. Everyday I stare at the area between Peak Chair and Christmas Trees, remember how beautiful it is when you’re right about to drop in. right now it’s a bowl full of sand and dirt. Here’s to counting down to winter! Enjoy the powder now, SoHe!

kort - 05 August 2009 05:31 AM

happily married, mid-30’s, no kids (wife’s decision which I am more then OK with!), just bought first property, which is exciting! New kitchen is ALMOST installed…waiting on splashback and caeser stone benchtops to turn up….I think I have become super-domestic! smile

Looking at planning another “mini-retirement” late next year (ie. 6 months of travelling the world without working) before we even consider having a bub. We love our toddler niece but now understand how time consuming raising a kid can/will be…......Even though +1 and I are on higher then average incomes, I am still worried about how much having a kid will cost, let alone raise to be a young adult. I admire how people on average incomes can afford to have a bub/pay off mortgage, etc.

Other then that +1 and I are training for another half-marathon. Despite being a regular runner, up until 4 months ago, I had never run more then 10km. Joined a running group to help us with our training and really enjoyed it . Did our first half-marathon last month and now are want to race again to get another PB…....its addictive this stuff grin

Kort, Kort, Kort!,

I’m 34 and just with out first baby on the way!
We’re closing on our new (third) house on Friday. We still own our second house about 5 hours away near the beach (east coast US) and we rent it out to cover costs, as it is a bad time to sell right now.
I run too and I’ve been out of it for about 8 months now. Late summer is usually my more active run time, as I’m thinking about getting in shape for snowboarding. I’ve run 4 different half-marathons. I know I’ve done about 20 miles once and I’m sure I could have done a marathon at that time, but I wasnt confident enough to do it. I dont know if I will ever get to that distance again. I’d love to.

As for money, man, everyone gets to learn how to live on a certain income. We are a one income family, and I’m a nurse, so I’m paid OK, but not crazy, ya know. We make it work, but still I look at others, like single moms of 2 teenagers and wonder how hey make it on $12/hr - knwoing that some get even less.
People learn how to make it work.

About kids though, I’d like to share a comment that I heard someone make… So many think that having a child means you cant do all the things you used to do… but realyl it just means that now you can finally do all teh things you wanted to do!
Sure I may not be able to get to the mountain and snowboard as often, or have my own time to just sit at a coffee shop and sip and read. BUT I will have the chance to watch a child of mine grow, hear him say “daddy” and run to give me a hug when I get home. If those experiences doesnt warm your heart more than anything this world can offer what will?!?!!!

The cool thing is once grown they can do the things you love with you, and accomplish things you never could, so you get to live through their experiences. I look forward to my kid’s first rail or carved turn.


Congrats on the baby news snowslider! smile
Yeah this running thing has really become a significant activity in our lives at the moment - struggling a bit with injury right now, but I can still “make it work”. The Sydney City 2 Surf is on this weekend (14km) and our next half-mara is in October. I did a 1:48 in our first half so I want to beat that - just gotta remain injury free! smile

+1 and I are both IT consultants, so are in a higher income bracket. I think one just gets “accustomed” to a particular lifestyle and the thought of going “backwards” in lifestyle is a tad scary! We are certainly not spendthrifts - saving for our “mini-retirement” and paying our mortgage off takes up enough of our cash smile At the moment, our focus is on a long holiday…+1 and I are both not really interested/ready for kids right now so there is no conflict grin


You are right slider about this site being ‘nicer’ then most, seems like even when people on here disagree they managed to debate the issue in a fairly nice way… just need to look at places like realsurf forums to see how bad things get on forums (that place was really good and is now full of haters and is dying slowly as a result..theres a lesson there somewhere smile)
Anyways this thread just goes to show how varied snowboarders are…alpacas with injured nipples?employment issues! pregnacies?
I dont know that i can beat any of that!
I spent all day at an oyster farm, Im studying Marine science and the session has just begun again, im finding it really strange to have been in the arctic circle in sweden 3wks ago, NZ alps last week and now an oyster farm in Botany bay the week, after reading about alpacas nipples. I cant complain to much though, did i mention I won a super pass to perisher,hotham and falls and Im heading down on sunday?

theres my little rant about what im doing..thanks for listening smile

CRACKERS - 06 August 2009 12:25 AM

You are right slider about this site being ‘nicer’ then most, seems like even when people on here disagree they managed to debate the issue in a fairly nice way… just need to look at places like realsurf forums to see how bad things get on forums (that place was really good and is now full of haters and is dying slowly as a result..theres a lesson there somewhere smile)
Anyways this thread just goes to show how varied snowboarders are…alpacas with injured nipples?employment issues! pregnacies?
I dont know that i can beat any of that!
I spent all day at an oyster farm, Im studying Marine science and the session has just begun again, im finding it really strange to have been in the arctic circle in sweden 3wks ago, NZ alps last week and now an oyster farm in Botany bay the week, after reading about alpacas nipples. I cant complain to much though, did i mention I won a super pass to perisher,hotham and falls and Im heading down on sunday?

theres my little rant about what im doing..thanks for listening smile

So where are you headed? Perisher, Hotham or Falls? If your coming to Falls can you do me a favor and bring some sunshine with you…PLEASE!


Up early off to yoga and then I think I may head down to bondi - bronte and get a few surf shots in


Im currently watching it puke down snow cheese its about time!! I will have to go out for some fresh tracks soon!


Hows the fresh stuff nudge?


I’m sitting in the hospital with my wife. Nervous. Surprised. Anxious.

Nudge - 06 August 2009 11:23 PM

Im currently watching it puke down snow cheese its about time!! I will have to go out for some fresh tracks soon!

looks like your bringing the snow! damm. I cant make it to Falls until oct…i dont think. Im doing a lot of 2day trips to perisher.
any idea how long it takes from Falls to sydney?


Crackers, off the top of my head its about a 700km drive which would take about 8 hours

golfpunklegend - 07 August 2009 08:25 AM

Crackers, off the top of my head its about a 700km drive which would take about 8 hours

Yeah, it’s ~700km (maybe a little under) so 8 hours + how long it takes onto/off mountain.

snowslider - 07 August 2009 06:49 AM

I’m sitting in the hospital with my wife. Nervous. Surprised. Anxious.

hope everything is all good mate - hope to hear positive news soon…

I am currently sitting at my kitchen table on my laptop with ice on my back struggling to move due to being a dick in the gym yesterday…twists with a medicine ball…never again :(


James, all the best to you and Lydia. I’m looking forward to hearing the good news. smile

CRACKERS, I just did the drive a few days ago. Took us about 8.5 hours each way from Sydney.

Nudge, enjoy the snow!! Yeeeeeew.

rider26 - 07 August 2009 11:26 AM

James, all the best to you and Lydia. I’m looking forward to hearing the good news. smile

CRACKERS, I just did the drive a few days ago. Took us about 8.5 hours each way from Sydney.

Nudge, enjoy the snow!! Yeeeeeew.

thanks guys, I’m thankful for wireless internet at the hospital. All is good for now. she is sleeping inbetween contractions. We should have our boy in the next 24 hours or so.
hopefully without a C-section.

7 hours have now passed since I wrote the above. She’s on meds to make her go into labor. so far so good, really. Still hoping to avoid a C-section.

There is progress but unsure how much at this point.