The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What are you doing?


Bit slow on the uptake on my part, but many congratulations again to both you and your wife snowslider, and best wishes for the safe arrival of your son, and your moving into a new house - an incredibly exciting and happy time for you both as I can only imagine!

Personally, at this very moment I am sitting up on my laptop in bed, procrastinating from doing the rest of a presentation that is due for uni tomorrow…getting nervous/excited about going to Melbourne on Monday to have my job interviews for Canada, getting just as nervous/excited/scared about this being my last semester of Uni and how quickly it has all gone, and also wondering where I am going to find 3 players for our indoor cricket team on Thursday night…

Good fun smile


Well, true to my name, I’m worldtrippin’ right now.

Previously, though, last week I filed for unemployment.
Flew to the States.
Drove around 300 miles of Route 66.
Conference in Santa Fe right now, from Sunday - Friday.
Shopped for a new mountain bike yesterday.
Negotiations on potential new job.
Return to Europe Sunday.
More crap to deal with related to unemployment after I get back.

Life’s crappy and good all at the same time.


Thanks Banga!

Currently I’m sitting at work, with most of the day’s responsibilities taken care of.
Eager to get back home… With the baby on the way, there’s nothing I want to do more than just simply be with my wife.
I’ve been hitting the BW forums here about every hour, sometimes more. I just enjoy the conversation.
I’m listening to Pandora when I’m at the desk for a few moments at a time. Have you all discovered the Pandora music player? PANDORA.COM it’s great, it lets you select a band or song that you like, or many bands, and it plays those bands, and similar songs. It is set up so that each song’s qualities and measured and similar songs play. You can have various styles in one “channel” too. Check it out.

I think once I get home, I’ll get to the new house and shovel the rocks out of the old flower beds (they turned into weed beds) and throw them into the pull-along trailer (which I tow with my Subaru wagon) and take to the city dump. If my wife was able to get to the store and buy some nails that will go into brick, I’ll hang up a thingy to hang the hose with on the house and make my wife happy about that. That’s what I plan on doing the rest of the day today.

spaz - 04 August 2009 07:26 AM

Right now:  rendering 40 video files, to edit in Final Cut Pro, this is the 4th time for this one DVD - for a customer, I’ve been up since 3:49am doing it. I swear this one project is cursed! - It’s 4weeks overdue, all the others I’ve done haven’t had these problems.

I have 2 other identical projects to follow plus two copies of a DVD to do that I could have done yesterday when that project was open, only the person only just let me know!

I know you probably don’t need to know about work but all the videos are of skiing and snowboarding so it’s interesting.

I get up early each day so I can get my shop set up at the bottom of Thredbo’s main chairlit, shoot some video, edit and upload for my site. Lately I haven’t been making it on first lifts or I have to go video or photograph a race event. these vids need to be edited for presentations that afternoon.

My daughter decided last week she wanted to go back to school which is 40mins away (Jindabyne) instead of skiing eveyday???

I started building a jump today only ski patrol told me to fill it in? At the time videos were rendering, when I got back the hard drive was full and a 2 hr render failed.

My vegetarian girlfriend just cooked a lamb roast, that I’m about to devour as they have been away all weekend and I’ve been living off takeaway.

Spaz. your living the dream mate !!!!!

I have the same sort of silly schedule, ours works around our four kids comings and goings and me doing shifts at work with 10 seconds notice.
Just to make it a little more fun we are getting married at Mount Hotham this Saturday.
Busy life + lots of family and friends showing up for wedding = CHAOS

Tambazz - 04 August 2009 10:18 PM

Just to make it a little more fun we are getting married at Mount Hotham this Saturday.
Busy life + lots of family and friends showing up for wedding = CHAOS

Awesome Tambazz, congratulations!
Be sure and post some wedding pics!


Congrats Tambazz, no better place to do it than in the high country!

Im sitting at work, staring out the window wondering why it friggin raining instead of snowing, I may go out and attempt to make some moola and take some shots of the beginner punters on wombats ramble. Ahhh the glory of being a resort photographer!


I am laying in bed drinking some crappy instant coffee and swearing at my really crappy internet connection whilst wondering why my 2 month old 24inch mac keeps shutting down for no good reason and why it has dead pixels already…  Well a day guess that means I should arrange for it to be picked up.

Thats my morning, but my life is all good for the most part.  My wife and I moved to Sydney just over a 18 months ago, she was heading back to uni to do her law degree and we wanted a bit of change in the scenery.  We both lived in Edmonton, alberta, Canada.  Sold the condo and pretty much everything we owened and moved down here.  Back in Canada I designed oil field equipment boring but paid the bills and gave me weekends off to hit the mountains or the lakes depending on the season.  Now that we are down under things are pretty cool.  My wife is half way done her degree and we are both workng for lululemon.  The only down side I can find right now is that we are both only allowed to work part time while she is in class’s, so we work like dogs when she is on holidays which means we are broke when shes in class.  So our dreams of traveling around Aus have not been as bountiful as we hoped.  I am also starting my photography business which is hard in a city full of photographers but it is a passion of mine that I will never give up on.  If I could I would be hanging out with you Nudge taking photos and making some cash at a resort but for now uni of syd gets most of my money.

Off to make another cup of coffee and call up the Mac store,

cheers everyone and congrasts to the new additions to your families be it spouse our baby!


what was the old burton smalls saying? - “don’t be cruel to your kids, teach them to snowboard” or something along those at work at moment, dreaming of powder…

here’s a favour…a friend of mine is running in this contest and needs as many votes as possible…if you got some time, please vote for nova moreno nache…

nic - 04 August 2009 09:09 AM

Lilydale, will also be doing 12 there

Nice. Im at Vermont doing year 12.
I think we played lilydale in interschool hockey a couple of weeks back


Thanks guys, some pics will be up for sure.

Our day here started great our oldest daughter turned 15 today.

We are all packed up to head back up the mountain, did a quick check on our animals, we have 11 Alpacas and our oldest girl Yussi has this gnarly, pussy thing going on with one of her nipples. So now we are waiting for the vet to come. Have this bad feeling that this may be her last day with us. She is 17 years old, which is getting on for an Alpaca.
That will mean trying to get someone here ASAP with a little machine to dig a grave.

Lets hope this day gets better and I fall asleep in my bed at Dinner Plain tonight.

Pow Wow - 05 August 2009 12:17 AM

what was the old burton smalls saying? - “don’t be cruel to your kids, teach them to snowboard” or something along those at work at moment, dreaming of powder…

here’s a favour…a friend of mine is running in this contest and needs as many votes as possible…if you got some time, please vote for nova moreno nache…

I was going to site and I looked at the profiles and videos, but then was going to vote your friend who is in 5th or 6th place right now.. but they wanted my email and sign up and all that,... I decided not to. maybe other will. the top videos and girls are all really cute young ladies. (maybe that will get people visiting the site lol)
I would have ,but diddnt.

I enjoy hearing about everyone’s day, I’m at the BW website like constantly all day on and off, for now (until the baby I’m sure) so, I enjoy learning more about all ya’ll.

I just went to Craigslist and found an air purifier for sale for $10, called the lady and drove to her house and bought it, cool. it is very nice and the wife is stoked on it. Shes got allergies and all that.


thanks for trying to vote snowslider…forgot they ask you for your dets, which means you will be bombarded with emails trying to sell you nissan micras…


happily married, mid-30’s, no kids (wife’s decision which I am more then OK with!), just bought first property, which is exciting! New kitchen is ALMOST installed…waiting on splashback and caeser stone benchtops to turn up….I think I have become super-domestic! smile

Looking at planning another “mini-retirement” late next year (ie. 6 months of travelling the world without working) before we even consider having a bub. We love our toddler niece but now understand how time consuming raising a kid can/will be…......Even though +1 and I are on higher then average incomes, I am still worried about how much having a kid will cost, let alone raise to be a young adult. I admire how people on average incomes can afford to have a bub/pay off mortgage, etc.

Other then that +1 and I are training for another half-marathon. Despite being a regular runner, up until 4 months ago, I had never run more then 10km. Joined a running group to help us with our training and really enjoyed it . Did our first half-marathon last month and now are want to race again to get another PB…....its addictive this stuff grin

golfpunklegend - 05 August 2009 01:09 AM
nic - 04 August 2009 09:09 AM

Lilydale, will also be doing 12 there

Nice. Im at Vermont doing year 12.
I think we played lilydale in interschool hockey a couple of weeks back

Haha, if they got beaten then yes it was probably you

nic - 05 August 2009 06:29 AM
golfpunklegend - 05 August 2009 01:09 AM
nic - 04 August 2009 09:09 AM

Lilydale, will also be doing 12 there

Nice. Im at Vermont doing year 12.
I think we played lilydale in interschool hockey a couple of weeks back

Haha, if they got beaten then yes it was probably you

i think we had them at 7-0 in a 30 minute game… raspberry