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List your Camera, Programs and lenses

Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one

Why didn’t he go for manual focus? Can’t say I’ve used auto focus for years, too unreliable and annoying.

Anyway, while im here ill post my gear.

Bronica SQ-A & WLF
Canon EOS 1000D & Battery Grip
Pentax MZ-50
Lubitel 166 Universal
Zenzanon 80mm f/2.8
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Canon 18-55mm f/3.5
Canon 75-300mm f/4.0
Sigma 28-80mm f/3.5
Sigma 100-300mm f/4.5
Samyang 8mm f/3.5
Canon 430EXII Speedlite
Vivitar 285HV (KF36)
Yongnuo YN460 Speedlite
Cactus V4 Transmitter
3 x Cactus V4 Recievers

Upgrade to a 7d within a month or so!
Also a bronny fish may be on the way….


wait til you get the 7d, then you’ll like the auto focus! but for your skate shots it’s a given to have it on manual

deanobruce - 01 May 2011 10:50 PM

oh ok cool.

My mate actually just got rid of his 7d, apparently there was a fairly common problem with the auto focus in some of them. side by side comparison my 500d with stock 18-55mm lens and his 7d with $1000+ lens, and my photos were hell clearer/sharper. it was weird, 80% of the time it would be fine then it would just go to shit for an hour or 2.  of course you could switch it to manual focus and its all good. but there are times when this is annoying. Hopefully it has been rectified by now,

What would you shoot?  Action, landscapes…?  Also what setting are the two of you using when shooting?  I have not had any problems with my 7D focus.

Gamblor - 26 May 2011 07:36 AM

wait til you get the 7d, then you’ll like the auto focus! but for your skate shots it’s a given to have it on manual

yep i’d agree or if you get a canon lens that has USM, focus is much faster..

I have found that my 550d with canon USM len’s is tack sharp with focus the majority of the time shooting action.  Only time it’s a little funny really is if I use AI Servo with auto select focus points for obvious reasons!


Nikon D5100 with the 18-55mm kit

Im new to photography so would you guy reccomend me any equipment/lenses?


Photoshop Cs5


Hey mate, welcome!

I’d look at getting a 50mm f/1.8 or something like that, I shoot canon but i’m sure they would have the Nikon equivalent.  These lenses are cheap and sharp making them great value! Narrow DOF is also fun to play around with which I don’t think you would get from a kit 18-55mm.

An external flash with cheap radio transmitters is a good way to go also.

Lastly, check out Adobe Lightroom, a lot easier to use for everyday photo processing!


look for a used 50mm 1.8


Ok thanks
I think I’ll be getting one of those 50mm I see it’s a “must” in photography.
Already downloading Lightroom

darb - 27 May 2011 03:39 PM
deanobruce - 01 May 2011 10:50 PM

oh ok cool.

My mate actually just got rid of his 7d, apparently there was a fairly common problem with the auto focus in some of them. side by side comparison my 500d with stock 18-55mm lens and his 7d with $1000+ lens, and my photos were hell clearer/sharper. it was weird, 80% of the time it would be fine then it would just go to shit for an hour or 2.  of course you could switch it to manual focus and its all good. but there are times when this is annoying. Hopefully it has been rectified by now,

What would you shoot?  Action, landscapes…?  Also what setting are the two of you using when shooting?  I have not had any problems with my 7D focus.

he shot mainly landscapes, and a few action shots of his dogs. we used every setting we could to trouble shoot.

its weird cause i know a fair few ppl who have 7d and dont have a problem but his was very tempremental and soe research on the net indicated it wasnt an isolated problem.


I just added a 600D to my set, this is what I use on the snow an as a secondary for movies.



still cameras:
Fuji S2- tamron 18-250 DiII
Fuji S3
Nikon D90
Nikon F90 - Tamron 28-200 (lens broken now)
nikkor 50 mm lens mf
nikkor 75-150 mf
polarising filter, uv filter
macro filters

Point and Shoot:
Ricoh R7

photoshop elements on mac
photoshop cs2 on pc

Video Cameras:
panasonic NvGS50
panasonic NvGS250 3ccd
Vio POV 1.5 (thanks spaz)
gopro hd

Final Cut express on mac
premier pro in pc

Manfrotto Proxb 190


Just purchased a Panasonic dmc g2 with 14-42mm lens tax free


Hi all
I have the last DSLR Konica Minolta Model made before Sony took over the hardward division. It is the DYNAX 7


I’m planning on getting a Fujifilm Hs20 but you can’t change the lens so I’m thinking of a Nikon D3100.
Any thoughts on these cameras??


Hey guys, I’m new here and thought I’d add my setup!

Canon 5D MkII
Canon EF 8-15mm F4L Fisheye
Canon EF 24-105mm F4L
Canon EF 70-200mm IS II F2.8L
Canon 580 EXII Speedlite

Aperture 3
Photoshop CS5