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List your Camera, Programs and lenses

Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one

Edit: got mixed up by Johno’s comment. thought it was from barnizzler


Just had my Canon 7D delivered by FedEx!!

Can’t wait to play around with it when I get home. Should have brought some lenses to work!

Tills - 28 September 2011 12:43 AM

Just had my Canon 7D delivered by FedEx!!

Can’t wait to play around with it when I get home. Should have brought some lenses to work!

Sweet as bro, can’t wait to see some pics :D


G’day fella’s

Thought i’d shot my gear up also, being a uni student everything is on a budget haha

Canon EOS 1000D (with stock 18-55 & 75-300mm lens kit)
Aiptek AHD T7 PRO Full HD Camcorder (wanted something cheap to make HD videos, it goes ok but the lens isnt wide enough)

Yongnou YN-465 Speedlite
Yongnou CTP-301P Trigger & Receiver set
Gorilla Pod

Photoshop CS5
Looking for a good movie editing program on PC (currently messing around with windows movie maker, its pretty dismal)

I shoot alot of Downhill MTB stuff, hence the off camera flash, and I’m looking at getting a new lens to sharpen things up.
Can anyone recommend a lens that would be suitable?


I thought CS5 had Premier?

Lenses: You pay for what you get. Look for low aperture. Second hand can be good but watch out for mould on the glass.


Its a student version and isn’t complete.
Yeah that might be the go, where would be the best place to look?


I have some really old Hasselblad bodies and lenses but they’re not in great shape.  Reckon they’d be worth anything?


Canon 550D with the standard 18-55mm & 55-250mm IS Lenses.
Gonna be looking for a lens for low light smile


If you want a really cheap low light lens, check out the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. It’ll set you back about $130, so it really is one of the best value for money lenses you can get. It has it’s limitations (needs to be stopped down in some situations, and hunts a bit in low light), and it’s a flimsy little lens, but it really does take some nice, very sharp shots, and allows you to experiment with DOF.


Yeah I was thinking about getting that lens for filming in low light but I’m still not sure. I’ll probably try get it anyway smile


I just got a new point and shoot. Pretty stoked with it, it’s a canon ixus 220HS (Elph 300). Real wide lens is particularly cool.


I thought I’d update my list as I’ve purchased a couple of lenses recently. They were bought on a budget as I still have a lot to learn about photography.

Camera: Canon 40D

Lenses: Canon 50mm 1.8, Canon EFS 55-250mm, Canon EFS 18-55mm.


Jez, is the 50mm 1.8 lens any good?


Just noticed my list is pretty old too.

My kit is now;

Canon EOS 7D

Tokina 12-24 f/4
Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Tamron 17-50 f/2.8
Canon 70-200 f/4L
Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L
Lensbaby Composer

That’s the main gear. As well as filters, tripod etc.

Hopefully I’ll add a flash pretty soon, and also the Sigma 30mm f/1.4. That’s a sweet lens.


Gonna try hunt for a 50mm 1.8 on eBay or something. Seems like a necessity.