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Face your fears

nic - 05 August 2009 12:42 PM
snowslider - 05 August 2009 12:36 PM

The US Marines have an advertisement for them that says “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

That’s an interesting take on pain. What’s death to them then? Pure strength???

Who knows.
In one way it is an interesting statement, but then again it just cant be taken seriously.
In another way I think it dumb. I’m not sure how I feel about it, really.
Maybe because it’s the Marines who seem to all have attitude problems - The many that I’ve met at least.
I guess they need that attitude to be good at what they do.
Like how many cops are rude and defensive, or many doctors have no personality.

snowslider - 05 August 2009 01:53 PM
nic - 05 August 2009 12:42 PM
snowslider - 05 August 2009 12:36 PM

The US Marines have an advertisement for them that says “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

That’s an interesting take on pain. What’s death to them then? Pure strength???

Who knows.
In one way it is an interesting statement, but then again it just cant be taken seriously.
In another way I think it dumb. I’m not sure how I feel about it, really.
Maybe because it’s the Marines who seem to all have attitude problems - The many that I’ve met at least.
I guess they need that attitude to be good at what they do.
Like how many cops are rude and defensive, or many doctors have no personality.

Yeah dude its funny how occupations endeavor/do change ones personality/values.. I met the nicest cop once in downtown Hamitlon where I went to school. We were skating a bank, the owner of the parking lot came out and told us to leave in not so nice words, a fight almost broke out, case and point this officer delt with it REAL well, claiming his little brother skates and would NEVER want his lil bro getting screamed at like that for skating a parking lot.

2 days later I was at a house party, cops roll up at 11pm (noise complaint curfew) exactly, out they get and start handing out drinking tix right away, attempting to bust hte party. Nice Cop rolls out, im so stoked! NOPE! Guy fucking HITS MY BEER OUT OF MY HAND and says “go home kid, your fun nights over”.. then realises its me. Instead of manning up and going “yo im sorry i gotta do this” he looks at me and screams “DID I STUTTER”???

eff you “Nice Cop”... but please keep crack dealers away from me. thanks. haha


Yea, I get what you are saying, man I’d not want to be a cop. experiences just like that would totally ruin it for me.
I dont know if I could play it cool all the time. I’m not a cop, cause I dont want to be one. I wouldnt want to be one.
I guess that can be said for a lot of things that I dont do.

I do believe that you can really do what ever you want in this world, you need to take advantage of opportunities and push your way into things sometimes - make the opportunity, ya know.


That’s a shame about the nice cop becoming a bad cop. I guess when it comes down to it
they have to do what the job states and if they’re the nice cop everyone will walk on top of them.
The law wouldn’t work if nobody was worried of the outcomes.

snowslider - 05 August 2009 12:36 PM
Just Giver - 03 August 2009 07:21 PM
snowslider - 03 August 2009 03:18 PM
rider26 - 03 August 2009 04:04 AM

There is no better feeling in the world than overcoming a fear. I try to live my life by these words…

“Do one thing a day that scares you.”

hmmm, I think this requires it’s own topic, and a daily report…
What did you do today?

I think I may give this one a thought - I’ll try and think about this one daily now and see what opportunities arise.

That is an excellent topic. I try and live by that quote but I’m too chicken to try a lot of things!!! raspberry

Eventually I’ll do something but it may take me a while to do it

I’ve not made much progress with this. I dont find the opportunities coming at me.
If I try and make the opportunities, I’ll end up doing something dumb just for the sake of it.
I dont want to do that.
I will take this thought and use it to remind me to not back down / not back out of situations.
There’s a lot of work to do today. If I face that will that be facing the fear? Can that be the thing which I overcome today?

Keep the quote in mind. You will be surprised how many opportunities arise. I don’t go looking for dumb things to do, but whenever there is a slight conflict in my mind I always tell myself, scare yourself, do it. Maybe it doesn’t happen every single day, but it does happen often. If there is something I want to do and I hear that little voice in my head saying not to do it, the quote jumps back into head and I just do it. It can be applied to every aspect of your life. It works well and I am yet to do something dumb because of it. Just keep thinking about it and let me know how it goes.


I smelt my boots the other day :O

golfpunklegend - 11 August 2009 10:10 AM

I smelt my boots the other day :O

you know, I’ve not made too good of progress of trying to think this way. I should venture out with ideas such as yours.


A fear for me was climbing in my roof, small crawl space, can’t turn around and I did this just before.
It stunk like something had died and I hit my head but it wasn’t too bad. Just painfully slow going.


I did kind of fear going into this nasty moldy and wet room in the basement of my new house. I had to go in there and remove all the old wet clothes from the person who once lived there… and then start to disassemble the shelves, and then the walls to get it all out - full-on destruction. I was pretty scared of that. but with a gas mask on. I did it.

snowslider - 12 August 2009 08:33 AM

I did kind of fear going into this nasty moldy and wet room in the basement of my new house. I had to go in there and remove all the old wet clothes from the person who once lived there… and then start to disassemble the shelves, and then the walls to get it all out - full-on destruction. I was pretty scared of that. but with a gas mask on. I did it.

Ah gas mask mention helped me to remember of a friend out one night at his work. He had to clean a ‘meat chute’ at a supermarket where all of the out of date meat is thrown down into the dumpster for collection. After that rotten meat experience he quit.
^Seriously how can the fit health and safety criteria.

snowslider - 12 August 2009 08:33 AM

I did kind of fear going into this nasty moldy and wet room in the basement of my new house. I had to go in there and remove all the old wet clothes from the person who once lived there… and then start to disassemble the shelves, and then the walls to get it all out - full-on destruction. I was pretty scared of that. but with a gas mask on. I did it.

pfft thats not facing your fear if you wear a gas mask. try it without a gas mask and see if you live to post a reply raspberry

golfpunklegend - 12 August 2009 09:07 AM
snowslider - 12 August 2009 08:33 AM

I did kind of fear going into this nasty moldy and wet room in the basement of my new house. I had to go in there and remove all the old wet clothes from the person who once lived there… and then start to disassemble the shelves, and then the walls to get it all out - full-on destruction. I was pretty scared of that. but with a gas mask on. I did it.

pfft thats not facing your fear if you wear a gas mask. try it without a gas mask and see if you live to post a reply raspberry

LOL no way!
I would walk down there and stand around, to ponder what approach to take on what to remove or how to remove it, but once I start stirring it up, I got to be wearing a mask.

snowslider - 12 August 2009 12:32 PM
golfpunklegend - 12 August 2009 09:07 AM
snowslider - 12 August 2009 08:33 AM

I did kind of fear going into this nasty moldy and wet room in the basement of my new house. I had to go in there and remove all the old wet clothes from the person who once lived there… and then start to disassemble the shelves, and then the walls to get it all out - full-on destruction. I was pretty scared of that. but with a gas mask on. I did it.

pfft thats not facing your fear if you wear a gas mask. try it without a gas mask and see if you live to post a reply raspberry

LOL no way!
I would walk down there and stand around, to ponder what approach to take on what to remove or how to remove it, but once I start stirring it up, I got to be wearing a mask.

heyhey! i didnt sniff my boots with a gas mask ok? loools
But dont worry, it didnt smell. I take care of them smile


I should have an opportunity or two for this on the weekend coming up… it IS Friday you know!
Not boot smelling, but fear facing.