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Face your fears

nic - 03 August 2009 08:24 AM
HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 08:08 AM

However, do you think you could find something to scare yourself everyday?

If you’re really crazy you could dodge high speed traffic every day… (I do not endorse this)

Hell yea. now i have a valid reason for when the cops pull me over.
cop: “why are you speeding”
me: “just trying to scare myself for today. O, and boardworld endorses dodging high speed traffic wink

golfpunklegend - 03 August 2009 09:22 AM
nic - 03 August 2009 08:24 AM
HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 08:08 AM

However, do you think you could find something to scare yourself everyday?

If you’re really crazy you could dodge high speed traffic every day… (I do not endorse this)

Hell yea. now i have a valid reason for when the cops pull me over.
cop: “why are you speeding”
me: “just trying to scare myself for today. O, and boardworld endorses dodging high speed traffic wink

cop: Why do it in that car? Join the force that’s what most of us do.
^That is what it’s like where I live. Lights and sirens up the road then pulling into the macca’s drive through :S


Being a cop would deff have it’s up sides

HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 10:22 AM

Being a cop would deff have it’s up sides

But definitely down sides (having to tell families a loved one has died, chasing after armed people, etc.)

nic - 03 August 2009 10:32 AM
HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 10:22 AM

Being a cop would deff have it’s up sides

But definitely down sides (having to tell families a loved one has died, chasing after armed people, etc.)

which job doesnt? the good thing about being a cop obviously is driving around and boardworld members look tantalisingly at the bumper whilst holding the stickers in our hands

snowslider - 02 August 2009 04:59 PM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 02 August 2009 01:58 PM

haha that second bus stack is me!

I thought that video looked familiar, you showed us that one before diddnt you?

Yeh i did snowslider. In another thread about crashes i think. i just found it amusing that it was being used as an example on this topic tongue laugh


since we’re talking about stacks, check out this boarder who knocks himself out….


i gotta try spinning off a real jump..
love going over them straight, but am scared shitless of doing a 270, or just a 90 degree spin and KO’ing myself

rider26 - 03 August 2009 04:04 AM

There is no better feeling in the world than overcoming a fear. I try to live my life by these words…

“Do one thing a day that scares you.”

hmmm, I think this requires it’s own topic, and a daily report…
What did you do today?

I think I may give this one a thought - I’ll try and think about this one daily now and see what opportunities arise.

snowslider - 03 August 2009 03:18 PM
rider26 - 03 August 2009 04:04 AM

There is no better feeling in the world than overcoming a fear. I try to live my life by these words…

“Do one thing a day that scares you.”

hmmm, I think this requires it’s own topic, and a daily report…
What did you do today?

I think I may give this one a thought - I’ll try and think about this one daily now and see what opportunities arise.

That is an excellent topic. I try and live by that quote but I’m too chicken to try a lot of things!!! raspberry

Eventually I’ll do something but it may take me a while to do it


Yeah, I tend to be hesitant about these things. Stupidly, I tend to worry about things like insurance.

But then again, I will probably follow someone off a cliff.

Another quote that I like, but never seem to really follow: ” Life is bigger and better than your fears.”

I read that in a magazine while sitting in a hostel in Switzerland. The next day, I spotted this drop, maybe 5-6 m, so certainly medium sized, hesitated, and hesitated, and waited, and waited, and then didn’t do it. Regretted that one. Then the next run, I slammed into a few chunks of ice and ended up with a sprained finger.

Greetings from the U.S., where it is 32 C outside.

Butters - 03 August 2009 12:59 PM

i gotta try spinning off a real jump..
love going over them straight, but am scared shitless of doing a 270, or just a 90 degree spin and KO’ing myself

If you land 90 or 270, you mainly just wash out rather than catching an edge.


While quotations about fear are coming through I’d though this might be worth discussion
‘Fear is never a reason for quitting; it is only an excuse’
^That is definitely me in some cases. Easy to blame fear of heights/hurting yourself over so
many things.

Just Giver - 03 August 2009 07:21 PM
snowslider - 03 August 2009 03:18 PM
rider26 - 03 August 2009 04:04 AM

There is no better feeling in the world than overcoming a fear. I try to live my life by these words…

“Do one thing a day that scares you.”

hmmm, I think this requires it’s own topic, and a daily report…
What did you do today?

I think I may give this one a thought - I’ll try and think about this one daily now and see what opportunities arise.

That is an excellent topic. I try and live by that quote but I’m too chicken to try a lot of things!!! raspberry

Eventually I’ll do something but it may take me a while to do it

I’ve not made much progress with this. I dont find the opportunities coming at me.
If I try and make the opportunities, I’ll end up doing something dumb just for the sake of it.
I dont want to do that.
I will take this thought and use it to remind me to not back down / not back out of situations.
There’s a lot of work to do today. If I face that will that be facing the fear? Can that be the thing which I overcome today?


nic - 05 August 2009 12:08 PM

While quotations about fear are coming through…

The US Marines have an advertisement for them that says “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

snowslider - 05 August 2009 12:36 PM

The US Marines have an advertisement for them that says “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

That’s an interesting take on pain. What’s death to them then? Pure strength???