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Face your fears


Today i faced a challenge from a young mate of mine to drop in on a skatepark 1/4 transition for the first time in my 30 years of life, it was 3 ft high and i was sacred out of my mind…. But like hell i was going to walk away. With some egging on and a few failed attempts i got it, What have you done lately that has really gripped you with fear and you just did it anyway?


hitting the bus at ruined castle terrain park and doing the boxes you have to get up onto. scary as hell as its only like my 14th day snowboarding stoked im learning fast though i can hit the spine big now and all the kickers thowing in little grabs and the odd 180. but yeah the bus and boxes were really scary first time i hit the box i came off a bit odd and lost my beanie and google’s. then nailed that then when i did the bus first time a charm second time i 180 off landing fakie and third time i slipped and slid the whole way and rolled off the edge. haha. also going straight really fast i always used to be way scared of catching a rail but i got it now so im syced haha =]

also this is my first little kicker i built out the back of the lodge about half hour ago was trying little spins of it


Having only been to the snow a few times I went over a kicker last week. After falling multiple times I finally landed it. Not sure how when I basically shaking as I did it. Glad I did though.


Most recently, riding off blind cliffs in Whistler. Nothing puts fear in me more than being at the top of a cliff, not being able to see what’s over the edge, knowing you’re about to ride straight off it.


Being the only girl playing full contact Gridiron! One of the best things I ended up doing in my life so far! Had so much fun, and felt awesome to absolutely light up one of the guys and put em on their ass!

nelsonjameshogg - 02 August 2009 06:05 AM

hitting the bus at ruined castle terrain park and doing the boxes you have to get up onto. scary as hell as its only like my 14th day snowboarding stoked im learning fast though i can hit the spine big now and all the kickers thowing in little grabs and the odd 180. but yeah the bus and boxes were really scary first time i hit the box i came off a bit odd and lost my beanie and google’s. then nailed that then when i did the bus first time a charm second time i 180 off landing fakie and third time i slipped and slid the whole way and rolled off the edge. haha. also going straight really fast i always used to be way scared of catching a rail but i got it now so im syced haha =]

Check out these wicked efforts on the Bus!!




those are some nice stacks there dude.
A tip: control your entry so you can be balanced from the start of the box to the end of the box.
by the way, how is the setup there now?

nelsonjameshogg - 02 August 2009 06:05 AM

also this is my first little kicker i built out the back of the lodge about half hour ago was trying little spins of it

Nelson, i saw in another thread that you had just got a new board and being that its only your 14th day riding, something caught my eye and it might just be the angle of the photo but it looks like youve got a fair bit of your boot overhanging on your toe-side.
Have you found yourself dragging your toes during a toeside turn?
Just check that you have your bindings centered so you have an equal amount of toe and heel overhang.

Nudge - 02 August 2009 11:57 AM
nelsonjameshogg - 02 August 2009 06:05 AM

hitting the bus at ruined castle terrain park and doing the boxes you have to get up onto. scary as hell as its only like my 14th day snowboarding stoked im learning fast though i can hit the spine big now and all the kickers thowing in little grabs and the odd 180. but yeah the bus and boxes were really scary first time i hit the box i came off a bit odd and lost my beanie and google’s. then nailed that then when i did the bus first time a charm second time i 180 off landing fakie and third time i slipped and slid the whole way and rolled off the edge. haha. also going straight really fast i always used to be way scared of catching a rail but i got it now so im syced haha =]

Check out these wicked efforts on the Bus!!



haha thats so knarly how that guy catches his board that could have been so much worse.

as for my board and toe overhang thats really wierd hey i thought that as well it dosent normally overhang that bad at all i think i was just doing my bindings up without putting my boot right into the back of the heel as i was running up and down to keep hitting it.

i will check that tomorow to make sure though

also maybe as i changed my high back on my bindings


haha that second bus stack is me!


yeah nelson you always want to re-ratchet your bindings properly.. not doing so results in injury.. trust me. haha

biggest challenge this year I faced was continuing to ride with busted ass shoulder(s). Just keeping my regular steez while being afraid my arm was going to come out of its’ socket was fairly difficult. I didn’t get 5s this year like I had hoped, and kept coming up exactly 450 into locking my edge on jump knuckles etc… so yeah, that sucked too..

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 02 August 2009 01:58 PM

haha that second bus stack is me!

I thought that video looked familiar, you showed us that one before diddnt you?

I agree with Jeremy, when you cant see the landing or distance even on your approach, you feel like you’re going off the edge of the world. (We have a snowboard shop in the region called ‘edge of the world’) That set up is so intimidating and it takes a few hits before I can get used to it. Scary thing is hoping there’s not another kid down there, so you need a spotter.

I cant think of anything really exciting like that I have done lately.
Maybe a hit or two in the terrain park at Killington, VT last winter (The US Winter). There is a small house you can get on the roof of. and a few natural hits made of real trees and stuff in the Burton Stash park - you have to go into the woods to find the entrance to teh park - pretty cool set up. There was a step up jump and cool barrels at the top of hits, a lot of fun stuff.
There was so much mountain to ride, I only went into the park maybe 5 times all week.

Sadly the situation has to be just right for me to really ‘buck up’ and do something crazy anymore… I guess I’m getting old. I often tell myself that I just dont HAVE to do it. I want to but the risk vs the reward can often make me turn away.
The snow condition, the company and the stoke at the time really help determine what I’d be crazy enough to do.

A few seasons back I remember doing a BS180 down a drop. It was quite intimidating and not much of a drop at all, but drop enough to make it a little scary. I was feeling very excited about riding and felt that I was riding well.. We had a camera and I just thought I’d give it a shot. going off a jump vs going down a drop makes a big difference. It was quite awesome.


Thats what im talking about…. These young kids dont get it most likely. Haha in not really that old, but doing stuff that gets you scared then nailing it is very fulfilling.


There is no better feeling in the world than overcoming a fear. I try to live my life by these words…

“Do one thing a day that scares you.”


The main thing I’ve wanted to improve on, is hitting jumps without turning before and with as much speed as possible. After countless tries, fear always held me back. Once you go past the point of no return, all you can really do it fully commit and hope for the best, and the feeling once you stomp it is unbeatable. I wish FC had bigger jumps set up.

However, do you think you could find something to scare yourself everyday?

HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 08:08 AM

However, do you think you could find something to scare yourself everyday?

If you’re really crazy you could dodge high speed traffic every day… (I do not endorse this)