The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 - The Official Thread


It doesn’t count if she hasn’t posted!!!


i doubt she will now wink


Just checking in to say a quick G’day! Azz has arrived so I’m heading off to meet him for a beer now. I think everyone is waiting for me. Haven’t had much time to post on the forums. We had another fun day today. Snow was super sticky but we made the most of it. OK, catch you guys soon!


Have fun! First of the Mexicans has arrived! Arrrribaaaa! dance


Is anyone coming from Sydney for the Shred on Friday afternoon?


i wish

chucky - 14 September 2011 06:59 AM

Is anyone coming from Sydney for the Shred on Friday afternoon?

Tomorrow afternoon for me.

Caboose - 14 September 2011 06:47 AM

i doubt she will now wink

hahaha… we seem to have developed a habit of pissing off the +1’s of BWM!! Even those who have joined the site!!!


here I am,  does this make me real?

Yesterday I had the day off work. I rode with spaz until catching up with rider and the crew at Merritts, we all rode together then.
We had a rail session and I hit my first rail, did my first grab off the little kickers and started nailing my 180’s.

Everyone is very funny and I was totally entertained at RiverInn the other night.


Haha Welcome,

I look forward to meeting you tomorrow - or at some point over the weekend!


Hey shifty I accidentally posted a couple of times as you, oops!
Notetoself: check login now Shifty Ninja is about.

spaz - 15 September 2011 12:01 AM

Hey shifty I accidentally posted a couple of times as you, oops!
Notetoself: check login now Shifty Ninja is about.

Awwww how cute are you two!!!


well, this takes away the proof of her existence!


Hi Peoples,

i will be diving to thredbo leaving around 3:00pm today.

Does anyone need a ride and happy to chuck in for some petty . I have 2-3 spot in a holden astra.

i will be leaving on sunday arvo to return to sydney mid evening.

Feel free to call me on 0417 694 830 or email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)




Hi Shannon, prob late notice but I think Banger was trying to work out something. I will PM him your post.