The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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I think it’s my dream.
Anyone been there, done that?
Ihave been there i am 16 i was 15 when i went to a winter camp but sadly on the first night a camper stole my wallet with 600 bucks in it! then on the second day i broke my ankle so i spent a week like chilling at camp, with a broken ankle, and 600 bucks stolen. i still rate it the best, most fun week i have had in my life.
The edit from my session
PArt 1:;
You hear me say AUSTRAAALIIAAA and 17 seconds and then im in it at 30 seconds
Part 2
rite at the end and bowling on crutches
You should defs go!
. . sadly on the first night a camper stole my wallet with 600 bucks in it!
What steps did Windells take to catch the culprit and get your money back for you?
Ihave been there i am 16 i was 15 when i went to a winter camp but sadly on the first night a camper stole my wallet with 600 bucks in it! then on the second day i broke my ankle so i spent a week like chilling at camp, with a broken ankle, and 600 bucks stolen. i still rate it the best, most fun week i have had in my life.
The edit from my session
PArt 1:;
You hear me say AUSTRAAALIIAAA and 17 seconds and then im in it at 30 secondsPart 2
rite at the end and bowling on crutches
You should defs go!
Couple of awesome Flying Squirrels in that 2nd video