The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Working on the server - sorry if experiencing issues


It was down sunday night at around 1130pm as well….if that helps at all


I had probs from midnight right through to bout 10am. Came up with a site saying that the domain holder or something was closing down bla bla bla


I blame nacho…  michelle

rider26 - 07 September 2011 04:07 AM


What time did you guys start experiences problems with the website?

Another grammar thread????  LOL


Nahhhh he needs to spend more time in the skate section!! I’m so lonely there :(

rider26 - 07 September 2011 04:07 AM


What time did you guys start experiences problems with the website?

I posted after midnight and then couldn’t get on in the morning.

I think I was one of the first posters when it came back online (eek maybe I am Mizu!!)

So a couple of posts by me would be key indicators i suppose (OMG i am horrified by - seriously imagine what it would be like if i actually did one of the sports promoted on the website!! There would be no shutting me up!)