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Just wanted to say well done to two of our team skaters, Lewis and Noah. Both competed in the Fish n Tricks contest at Bondi Skatepark on the weekend, in the junior division. Noah came 4th and Lewis finished 2nd. Both these guys represented Boardworld with pride. Congratulations boys!
Here is Lewis (on the right), with his prize and trophy. Noah also landed a 540 that day!
Awesome work boys! Represent
Great Stuff guys!!!!! Yeeewwww!!!!!
Good work, I did see it on Facebook as well
Congratz guys!
Love to see a video of the comp or of these guys if anyone has one? haha
Yeah Boys nice work good on ya’s
hahahah yeahhh lewwii
yewwwww good on ya boys!!!
Who’s that handsome devil on the right there?
Handsome devil??? I suppose he is kinda good looking for a devil.
Good work fellas. I have seen the level of some of the young skaters in Bondi and to place like that is still good. Grommy’s throwing 540’s is nuts.