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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Great work, BKM. Keep it up! smile

BKM - 24 October 2011 12:57 PM

New 8 inch board feels so much more comfortable! So much room!

Landing my heelflips 1 foot, I’m almost there!

Sounds great mate! Get the camera out and film yourself. Might help you see what you can do to land them with both smile


I’m planning on doing that when the weather clears up. Its starting to rain down all the time now :(


Over the long weekend I really wanted to put a big effort into my skating. Weather didn’t exactly allow me to do so, but in the time I spent skating, I really felt like I progressed a fair bit (for how long I have been skating. Well skating again)

Last Friday I headed out to Mt Evelyn skate park. Was just rolling round trying to get my legs on the banks and quaters. Main focus for today was get my axel stalls locked in. Was struggling a bit on the mini ramp I’d been skating, so found a slightly smaller quarter here.
By the end of the session I was really comfortable with them, and even doing some 5050 grinds and a few 5-0 stalls.
Left for lunch as it was too hot and windy.

Went to one of the spots where I spent lots of time and really learnt to skate back in the day.
The netball courts near my house. Spent lots of time at the Nettys in the past and its been resurfaced so is even better for flat ground now.
Used the arvo (before the rain came in) to work on things like my ollies (moving and more speed), pop shuvs, 180s fs and bs, manuals, ollieing up curbs and small ledges, and off them too.

Points of progress I am stoked with from today:
Feelin heaps more comfortable ollieing up curbs and of small drops, and at speeds.
Manualled a 3rd of a netball court.
Was landing a fair few pop shuvs.
Landing FS 180s (not super consistent tho) Landed one off the gutter.
Getting axel stalls locked in. Some 5050s and 5-0s happening too
Starting to look at the areas I was skating and seeing lines that I want to do.

Rained over night and throughout the morning so didn’t think I’d get a chance to ride today. Was organising the fishing trip for that night, picked up bait and beers and msging one of the guys but hadn’t heard from him. Decided to drive past the newish Knox Skatepark near my place on the way home from the shops just to see if it was dry and not to busy. Looked kinda busy so was gonna give it a miss, did a U-turn and drove past again and realized my mate I was goin fishin with was there too. So drove in and had a beer with him and got the board out for a session.
I just sat round for prob 45min just watchin everyone skate. Prob bit nerves as I hadn’t skated in a busy park for years, and I was enjoying watching some of the awesome skaters that were seasoning.
Sick park. So much verity. Head to the spot/park thread I posted and have a look at some pics I’ll post.

Eventually my 2 beers filled me with enough stunt juice to balls up and skate. Just cruised on the flats for a bit and practiced some ollies. Straight away landed some nice pop shuvs. Getting nice pop on them and landing bolts. Felt rad.
My mate was pumpin me up with cheers and I started skating heaps of features on the park and getting some “lines” too.

Ollieing up onto manny pads and small ledges was coming second nature.
Was getting some nice 5050s on the smaller ledges and some on the medium ones.
Pop shuvs were feeling sweet.
Kickflips – was getting heaps of pop, just struggled to get consistency of the spin.
FS180s of the manny pad were almost in. (no manual in. Just Ollie up the 1 off)
Dropping into the smaller bowl and getting a little bit of rhythm in it.
Axel stalls feeling sweet still.
Got a few “lines” like Ollie onto pad then Ollie to next ledge and 5050. Axel stall, to medium ledge 5050 (nearly got some 5-0s). Almost had a noseslide at the start of this line too.
All round feeling like I was truely skating again, and feeling good trying different things at the park.
Cant wait to get back out again.

Rest of the weekend was either pissing down with rain, or I slept through the only dry patches.

Anyone else skate?


Well done K2!
Your progressing really fast!

On the weekend I only managed to go for a skate with my mate on Saturday and I was just working on some ollies and going down the banks at the skatepark. We also had a game of skate, even though we couldn’t do much tricks, it made us try new tricks. After our skatepark closed we went to look for a street place to skate.

We went to my school to skate but got kicked out by security the moment we got there. So we decided to go to the Uni to skate and I managed to 50-50 on a curb but it wasn’t waxed so I just kinda stalled there haha. We we’re there for a bit ollieing up curbs and stuff but we got kicked out by security again :(

We left that place and went to a carpark in a different suburb (such smooth grounds smile ) we played a game of skate there as well and tried to boardslide on these curbs that were elevated enough so that your board didn’t hit the grass on the other side. Again the curb wasn’t slippery enough even when we did wax it.

That was my Saturday night, got home around 12am-1am

Lately I’ve been practicing pop shove its on the carpet in my bedroom and I’ve kinda got them down but its gonna be really different when I do them on concrete (I always tend to slip out).  Heelflips have also becoming a bit better now, but they’re just teasing me! Always landing them with my back foot. Sometimes I accidently do 1.5 spins and sometimes they’re double heelflips :(

I also need to get back into practicing kickflips, I stopped because I was to concentrated on heelflips. I tried some recently and I almost “credit carded” myself hahaha I’m just too used to the motion of kicking my front foot like a heelflip.

Whoa! looks like K2 and I just wrote a huge essay!


Thanks mate. I feel like its more like “its all coming back to me slowly”. Because I used to skate, I feel I know what and how Im sposed to do things, just training my body to actually cooperate with my brain and do them again.

Sounds like you had a good day/night too (besides getting kicked out obviously). I have never been able to get heels, just feel so unatural for me.
I hate grinding on curbs. Just feel like they rip your trucks to shreds!!! I did 5050 on a good waxed curb at the nettys and got a good grind, but it really did grind into my new trucks. I much prefer the neat metal ledges at the park wink


Small vid of one of my early axel stalls from the friday. Def got better and more confident after this


Vid isn’t showing :(

Yeah the curbs are good height to start practicing on but they aren’t smooth enough and I have to grind them down with my trucks, which I don’t want to do haha

I’ve got this steel bar I found in my backyard, its pretty much a flat bar and such a smooth grind. The only way I can elevate it is by sitting it on top of some bricks but the downside is that the bricks move and the bar comes off.


Its showing on mine. Migt still be processing


Ah its loading now smile

That park looks sweet! I wish our parks were empty like that, but they’re full of kids on scooters and stuff. I’d love to come skate there.

You look like Hugh Jackman no joke. haha I guess its time to post in the Seperated at Birth thread haha raspberry

BKM - 02 November 2011 04:28 AM

Ah its loading now smile

That park looks sweet! I wish our parks were empty like that, but they’re full of kids on scooters and stuff. I’d love to come skate there.

You look like Hugh Jackman no joke. haha I guess its time to post in the Seperated at Birth thread haha raspberry

bahahaha LOL have you not already seen all the look alike photos? cant believe you said that too

That was on friday, so it was during school hours. I had an RDO. On the weekends it gets quite a few peeps I think. It also has a mini which is at the back of that bank I was on. And behind the fence up the top in the distance there is a flat ground section with 1 quarter and some pads n rails


That park sounds sick smile is there a lot of room? Or is it cramped together?
Has anyone else said you look like Hugh Jackman or is it just me haha smile


Its a tad cramped. Not width. Probably length. Could be longer. The bottom section anyway. Top section is cruizy.

haha, yeh, its an on going thing here on Boardworld and everywhere i go. Get it all the time. But especially on here they all call me Hugh


Hahahahahah smile


Went outside just a while ago and tried some heelflips and shove its
Finally managed to land some shove its! the fear of slipping out has almost gone smile
I did land one heelflip but I slipped out but I guess that doesn’t count.