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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Nice one BKM. Your putting the time in for sure. I’m trying to learn street now instead of just skating transition everytime. I’m way behind u though, I’m getting comfortable ollieing up the lip on driveways but I can’t do gutters yet. I’ve started trying manual stuff too. I’m not bad at tail manuals since that was the only thing I did on a board as a kid but ollieing into a manual is so much harder. I might get it eventually though.

If you can ollie up manny pads then you’ll be manualling them in no time.

Oh and Black, you’ll love Whistler park! It’s got everything, even a snake run! I’m pretty sure it will be under snow right now though…


Thanka guys smile

Yea man try street stuff. I find it more fun than transition, but that’s just me. Now I whenever I’m not skating I look around and see things I want to try and skate LOL
I’ll also start putting videos up here when I get my SD card for my camera. I think I’ll probably make a skate video of the progress my mate and I have made over the last couple months when we first started skating.


yeah i had a feeling it might be covered in snow haha oh wells, maybe i’ll look for a street spot before i leave vancouver smile

buuut i’ll defs be chucking up some vids of my progress in snowboarding so make sure you guys check out the snowboard progress thread shaka


Got my camera so I quickly took some better photos of my park smile

This is the pad I’ve been practicing 50-50’s on and it’s now getting easier to get on to it

The one I’m trying smile


Its around 4am and i just got back from a huge skate at some school LOL

We took this wooden thing of this scaffolding thing and used it as a little pad

Not very high, but it was better than just flatground

We ollied onto it and rolled down smile

My mate took it down the 3 set shaka
I didn’t though lol maybe when I get better I will!

We were there for around 4-5 hours and its good skating there at night because its quiet and no one goes there so we can’t get kicked out. Theres also water bubblers there too smile

LOL and don’t worry, we put the stuff back!

I basically live in the skate section LOL!!


Nice BKM, getting creative grin


So I just got back from a week in QLD with Nikky.
We took our skateboards as transportation and it was the most fun I’ve had in ages!
We skated 6km from Surfers to Mermaid beach and all around the area.
We also did a SWEET night mission bombing down the streets of Toowoomba like we were snowboarding down fresh groomed runs rocker
All the paths on their main streets are smooth pollished tiles. Amazing to skate on.

Nikky also took me to her local park which is called Chalk Drive and it’s one of the most fun park’s I’ve seen.
Nikky (after putting in the work on roll ins) dropped in for the first time that night! Mad proud of her shaka
And I got my first spine transfer too.

All in all an awesome skate tour, loved it!


Damn! 6km! thats a bloody epic journey smile
Congrats to Nikky for her first drop in!
and congrats to you for your first spine transfer. Man I wouldn’t have the balls to try that! shaka

I just got back from a little skate and I can’t get on the pad anymore :( I’ll be fine doing it one night then I’ll come back the next day or so and I won’t be able to get on it. LOL Practice makes perfect! wink

Going back out for a skate with a mate later on tonight! lets get ollieing on objects locked in! Yeeewwww!


BKM that park looks good man, bit of everything. Looks on the smaller side though.

Getting creative with spots is alway fun, did that at an old school in Sydney. Place became a bust though, some people were ruining it and also they set fire to it.

Andy sounds like an awesome skate mission. Congrates to Nikky on dropping in, not an easy task. First time I tried it was a complete failer.


yeww QLD skate tour :D epic times!!! Skating is so much more FUN with a buddy!! Thanks for your help dropping in Andy, we will skate again soon smile

...probably should have read more of this page before writing, thanks for the props guys! It was really scary, but NAILED it first try. :D always seems easier when you have someone to ride with.

also sweet set up BKM looks really fun!


Had the best 6-7 hour skate tonight.

Went to all the schools in the area. Found some sick spots. Took blocks of wood to make a little pad and wooden rail, didn’t work though LOL

Ollieing off ledges has become so much easier now! I started putting the bits of wood on the edge of the ledge so I have to ollie over them and the ledge. I’ve also started getting my frontside 180’s down too smile

I’m really tired right now and I’ll probably add some more stuff…but for now…sleeepppppp.


Fs 180s are getting so much better now and ollieing up ledges are becoming easier!

Practiced my 50-50s on yellow painted curbs in an underground carpark, the curb is about as high as the box at the park so it helps me out so much.

Couldn’t skate around a lot because its been raining pretty badly here :(

I’ve got loads of photos on my camera and I’m thinking of putting them up in the skate photography contest, but they’re not that great.


That’s rad BKM, frontside 180’s look sick.
I haven’t skated in ages cause it rains every time I get a day off :(


I’ve got a Skatepark down the road from my uni so I’ve decided to try and skate after uni whenever I can.
I had a quick skate today and made a little progress.

I got a few backside 50-50s and axle stalls on a 5ft quarter. I still don’t have them locked but the ones I got felt pretty good to do them on bigger ramps (rather then tiny little quarters in Umina).
And then I ate shit when the BMXers showed up teacherboy  but still I got a few tricks in before I left.

So I’ve decided to make it my mission to learn to do all the lip tricks I know on those bigger quarters.
So I’ll get those locked down and then start trying front side stalls and grinds or maybe rock to fakies.

Also if anyone has any suggestions as to what trick I should learn next, hit me up. Cause right now all I have on ramps is axle stalls, 50-50s and rock to fakies.


Go rock n rolls mate. Try 5-0 Stalls too. helps balancing on the rear truck for when you wanna move onto feebles and smiths.
I’ll do an update by tonight, cos im way overdue for one!