The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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oh yeah forgot to mention, my mate thought it would be funny to get into his undies
! nice work!
Slipping out is so annoying haha
Oh man some of those were really close
Went skating today and ollieing up things are getting more and more easier and second nature. Also devo that I have a lump and a bruise on my shin! :(
So stoked for the new 24 board coming! cant wait!
yeeeeew! good work mate
I went for a skate today down at Umina Park. (I was the only skateboarder for most of the day )
I decided I wanted to learn some frontside tricks (since I can’t do any lol)
I could barely even frontside kick turn so I spent all day just turning frontside around the bowls and quarters.
Then decided I was gunna land something new before I leave. So I tried about a thousand times and eventually I pulled off a
*Frontside axel stall
*Frontside 50/50
And I made sure I did them a few times to get them locked down. Good day skating!
Yeeew! Awesome work bro!
Had an awesome skate around the city tonight. Didn’t try many tricks but had so much fun.
While we we’re skating around the city my mate and I found some places that we didn’t even know existed, we also met this dude that is new to town and he tried to tre flip on my mates board while he was completely drunk he said he’ll try come down to our park this week…lets hope he remembers!
I also tried dropping off ledges and I had an attempt at a bs 50-50 but it ended up turning into a boardslide. Almost did a boardslide but I just need some more speed and confidence.
Fun sesh!
Follow me on instagram
nice effort mate! sweet pic as well
Nice man, fun is key!
That’s great stuff, guys. Loving the positive vibe in this thread. That’s rad and well done on your progress.
Went for a xmas day skate with my mate and I was able to ollie on the pads again I’m getting my fs 180s down yeeww
That’s sick BKM, my friend can do frontside 180s, they look sick. I wanna learn but I think my ollies have a long way to go.
Had a sick skate today/tonight.
First off, my mate and I went to the skatepark but it was pretty packed because Tuesdays are “bike night”. We didn’t get much done so we went to my school and skated there.
When we got there I was practicing ollieing up the curbs and ollieing off them. Now ollieing up and down curbs is second nature to me. I wanted to try work my way up to the 2 set they had there but I wasn’t too confident so I tried dropping off the ledge next to it. After a couple of tries I managed to drop off it Still wasn’t confident about to the 2 set because there wasn’t much of a run up…probably only about 2 metres or so.
I have also been practicing my manuals. I can do normal tail manuals pretty good I guess and now I’m trying to ollie then manual. I have also started trying to learn nose manuals. I’ve found the “sweet spot” but I can’t hold the manual there for long but I guess I’m making pretty good progress with them :D
Met up with some other mates and chilled/skate at the school for a good 4-5 hours
solid effort bkm making some hectic progress there mate!
unfortunately im up in vancouver atm so im not sure how much i will be contributing to this thread. I did bring my skatey with me but my mates didn’t and its always raining here >.<
maybe i’ll hit up the whistler skate park in the next few weeks or something and take the drift hd