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Batman V’s Superman

Poll: So which one is it to be........
Total Votes: 18
Batman, the caped crusader????
Superman, the man of steel????

New batman movie looks pretty epic!


Wait till the new Superman one comes out!!!!!


I’m just gunna put it out there… X-Men are way cooler than both these guys… but thats a whole other thread that we don’t need to get into.


Only Batman would pull that type of under handed trick, Andy!!!!!


Okay back to the topic.
Superman doesn’t have to be crafty… he’s invincible!

There’s no challenge in anything he does. That’s a boring life right there (and an even more boring comic)

Also, what’s with the super hearing thing?
He has super hearing but it only switches on when someones yelling for help? I don’t know who wrote superman comics but that is no.5026 plot hole right there.


And Batman has to rely on the Commissioner to shine his little bat light into the sky!!!!! And then he has to notice it!!!!! What if he’s takin a dump and he has the door closed????

This is a delay in the process of justice!!!!!

And all the while Superman has already got the job finished, way before Alfred has even waxed the bat pole!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 31 August 2011 02:23 AM

And all the while Superman has already got the job finished, way before Alfred has even waxed the bat pole!!!!!

LOL There was a mental picture I didn’t need shut eye


Sorry Andy, but when I’m backed into a corner, I have to bring out the big guns!!!!! Kinda like Batman would!!!!!

Now if I was Superman, I wouldn’t have had to do that to ya!!!!!


Nah, if you were Superman you could have just bored me to death wink


And if ya were Batman, ya could’ve used ya “kapow to the forehead batspray” that Albert had only concocted the night before last, in order to endure my boredom!!!!!  tongue wink


Batman has way cooler villains.
For someone who has super everything. Superman only fights wusses! Making him a wuss himself.

The Joker, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, Cat Woman, Two Face - All bad ass villains

Superman fights Lex Luther…. that’s fair


Ummm, too many too list, so I’ll just put the link up!!!!!


Hmmm, let’s see…

Bruno Mannheim, Toyman, Dev-Em, Calvin Denby??
They sound like boy band members, not super villains.

Do u remember anyone from that list except Lex Luther?

Hell, I could beat up the backstreet boys too if I wanted *says Andy putting red underwear on the outside of his jeans*

Mizu Kuma - 01 September 2011 09:25 AM

Ummm, too many too list, so I’ll just put the link up!!!!!

Haters…  mad



I love it when robin asks Batman, “what are we gonna do now, caped crusader”????

I don’t remember, “Let’s make shit up, ohh…. Bat like dude”!!!!!

Again, I rest my case your honour!!!!!  cool grin

Haters….......  mad .........  shaka