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Because i’m a good mate…....

Poll: Should Fatima4u head off to Canada to be with the love of his life?
Total Votes: 20



u r a bastard warren lol as soon as a read the name of this topic i knew what it was gona b all about, i cant wait 4 payback on this 1!!!


If its any consolation fatima, I think she is a very beautiful young lady, has a great smile and I totally get why you have a picture of her beside your bed and when you were in Canada would rather hang out with her rather than your ugly mates smile


Bahahahahahaha piss off Azz, dont try and make him feel better about him self cool hmm


I’m with Azz!

I don’t get men and there paying out on a mate for finding a lovely woman.

Congrats and I hope you are still conversing etc with her.

Azz - 16 August 2011 03:48 AM

If its any consolation fatima, I think she is a very beautiful young lady, has a great smile and I totally get why you have a picture of her beside your bed and when you were in Canada would rather hang out with her rather than your ugly mates smile

Especially one’s with big noses and sauce for heads… lol

ozgirl - 16 August 2011 04:07 AM

I’m with Azz!

I don’t get men and there paying out on a mate for finding a lovely woman.

Congrats and I hope you are still conversing etc with her.

Because guys pay their mates out for everything… it’s just how we work smile

tjswish - 16 August 2011 04:14 AM
Azz - 16 August 2011 03:48 AM

If its any consolation fatima, I think she is a very beautiful young lady, has a great smile and I totally get why you have a picture of her beside your bed and when you were in Canada would rather hang out with her rather than your ugly mates smile

Especially one’s with big noses and sauce for heads… lol

Look out at the shred TJ your now a target lol hmmm


This thread, all of it…  LOL

tjswish - 16 August 2011 04:18 AM
ozgirl - 16 August 2011 04:07 AM

I’m with Azz!

I don’t get men and there paying out on a mate for finding a lovely woman.

Congrats and I hope you are still conversing etc with her.

Because guys pay their mates out for everything… it’s just how we work smile

Yeah, kinda like sayin that TJ would have all of the FaceBook print outs of you oz, bluetacked to his bedroom wall!!!!!!

Oh, wait a minute!!!!! That just might be reality????  ohh


haha ewwwwwww…..

But that reminds me I need to start a thread… guess who was the first person to facebook stalk me from boardworld (we request to be my friend)

Mizu Kuma - 16 August 2011 11:35 AM
tjswish - 16 August 2011 04:18 AM
ozgirl - 16 August 2011 04:07 AM

I’m with Azz!

I don’t get men and there paying out on a mate for finding a lovely woman.

Congrats and I hope you are still conversing etc with her.

Because guys pay their mates out for everything… it’s just how we work smile

Yeah, kinda like sayin that TJ would have all of the FaceBook print outs of you oz, bluetacked to his bedroom wall!!!!!!

Oh, wait a minute!!!!! That just might be reality????  ohh

My wall does have quite a few photos on it… but alas, I know everyone in there and I am in all the photos (since I took them from my facebook)

Warren Chapstick - 16 August 2011 06:23 AM
tjswish - 16 August 2011 04:14 AM
Azz - 16 August 2011 03:48 AM

If its any consolation fatima, I think she is a very beautiful young lady, has a great smile and I totally get why you have a picture of her beside your bed and when you were in Canada would rather hang out with her rather than your ugly mates smile

Especially one’s with big noses and sauce for heads… lol

Look out at the shred TJ your now a target lol hmmm

I wasnt before this thread?


hahahahaha thanx guys!!! good 2 see something comming out of this thread then just warren and eddie giving me shit wink


Bahahahahahahahahahaha you are the ambassador of such a gay dog stickers