The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Aidy, where are you going for the season? Back to Sun Peaks?


Indeed, I thought I was headed whistler way but my plans changed…....I should be there at least once during the season for a shred though as Graham is going to be there.  I’ll certainly give you a shout if and when that happens!  As ever you’re more than welcome to visit SP, I haven’t sorted a place yet but when I do I’m sure I could fit you in somewhere!


Sounds good, Aidy. Stoked Graham will be there. I should definitely get in touch with him.  wink


Let me know if you need any contact info… dope would us all meeting up in whis be!  Anyways a bit early for any plans but let’s just say i’d be very unimpressed with myself if i didn’t make it over at some point in the winter!


I’ve been a “seasonaire” (I love that term by the way, I’m gunna have to steal it) in the following order:
Perisher, Perisher, Whistler, Perisher, Manning Park, Perisher, Whistler and now it’s time to go to uni in hopes that I can one day live in a ski town and make enough money to stay there permanently and not live on 2 minute noodles. But for the moment… the party is over :’(  but getting back to the dream is what drives me… to study… instead of shred…............................................................... shoot me.


double post, my bad, delete this one if u want