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YES.. STM and Amine


Picked up the new board last night off Jeremy at STM in bondi. Big thanks for sorting it out for me Jeremy through Amine. The board they’d been given had already sold but Jeremy managed to get in touch with Amine (YES aus) and get another one in for me.

new vs old

156 Typo Vs 154 Tasman(iac)

And a bit of a side on profile shot showing the camrock on the yes boards - rocker starts from under the bindings. The Typo definitely has a bit more of a scoop in the nose and tail compared to the Tasman and the Tasman definitely has more flex in it compared to the Typo so I’m really looking forward to seeing how the Tasman compares to the Typo.

Once again thanks to both Jeremy and Amine for helping me out cool smirk


No worries, mate. I’m stoked because you’re stoked! I can’t wait to test the Tasman(iac) this weekend.

I’d like to thank Amine too. He’s such a champ and he sorted this out straight away for us.


I really wanna try a tasmanic. They look awesome too. Love the Yes Im Goofy, Yes Im Regular nose and tails.


looks killer! how much is the RRP for those bad boys?


$799 RRP


Tasmaniac has those ultimate grip thing right? I wonder how you would tune them out with a regular file or diamond stone?


The Tasmaniac doesn’t actually have the ULTIgrip on the edges. The way I understand it is that you don’t actually ever tune the edges.


Not even to get rid of burrs or when the edge gets dull?


Burrs I’d expect you could easily clean up as usual, but when it comes to sharpening the whole edge you don’t actually do anything as the design is such that it doesn’t require it. Obviously though when doing a base grind it’d sharpen the edges.


Yeah big ups to Amine for sure. He has got to be one of the easiest snow reps I have had the pleasure of dealing with.
I am looking forward to taking my 152 Tasmaniac out as so as I get the chance.


What’s the “ultigrip” look like??? Pics???


its like a serated knife sort of….


its pretty much the same board as the dudes/great beauties without the edge


Hey guys, thanks for your kind words. I’m SO stoked your into the YES. program.

You actually don’t need to sharpen the edge on boards with the ULTIgrip, it is the same theory as a bread knife - you never need to sharpen them as the serrations maintain their sharpness (despite constant use). And with regards to edge burrs etc, the gap between the ULTIgrip serrations is big enough to fit a gummy stone / file / diamond stone - so you can easily get rid of any edge burrs or case hardening from hitting rocks etc.

FYI - the ULTIgrip profile has been slightly reduced this year. We found that it can be a little more subtle, but it still works just as well.

cabletieperformance - 29 July 2011 11:20 AM

its like a serated knife sort of….

Just a more aggressive version of the Magnatraction hey!!!!!


Thanks for the clarification amine :D