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Teaser thread! - How the North West was one


Woahh those are some mad treerides and jibs man. The start is a bit cheesy though raspberry


Aren’t all trailer starts a little lame though raspberry bit excessive here though


Hmm true.
The trailer starts are either lame or just too common.
Some start off pretty well. There are a couple that a like start off the teaser with nonstop epic stacks smile


I have to agree. With all the creativity used to display rider names and credits. Cant the sponsors be listed a little differently?


The type of start that annoys me the most is just random stuff at the start (eg. the one with about 45secs of dance at the start of one I posted) Irrelevant and not related at all.


Ahaha yeah the one where half of it is the raving in the intro.
Why i love the flashlights and the snowclones one is that it has a great intro into the vid and later the editing just blows my mind.
There is a massive tree job in that vid you posted where the tree just swings until it nearly touches the ground…. epic stuff

golfpunklegend - 17 August 2009 07:02 AM

Ahaha yeah the one where half of it is the raving in the intro.
Why i love the flashlights and the snowclones one is that it has a great intro into the vid and later the editing just blows my mind.
There is a massive tree job in that vid you posted where the tree just swings until it nearly touches the ground…. epic stuff

Yeah, would be rather amusing if it snapped raspberry


one of the teasers on this thread has actually got a video of a dude riding a down flat down rail and the flat bit breaking when he got to it - Jumps between traveling and boarding but pretty good teaser. Not a single teaser but a sit e with a number on it. Seems to be updated quite regularly too - Shitty Shitty Slam Slam; A good laugh if you’re used to stacks - part 2

nic - 17 August 2009 07:39 AM - Jumps between traveling and boarding but pretty good teaser.

Its not playing for me dude… i might try again later

nic - 17 August 2009 07:59 AM - Shitty Shitty Slam Slam; A good laugh if you’re used to stacks - part 2

Ahahah shitty shitty slam slam is gold.
Now i know how many times they gotta try to get a good tree jib right smile

EDIT: the second shitty shitty slam slam absolutely kills the first one

nic - 17 August 2009 06:56 AM

The type of start that annoys me the most is just random stuff at the start (eg. the one with about 45secs of dance at the start of one I posted) Irrelevant and not related at all.

I think that only made the intro because of the name of the video was Electric and the song was techno that had a build up and some excitement associated with it. I agree that the silly dancing could have been placed elsewhere.. btu then again I kind of liked that sillyness.. I found myself pausing it frequently to catch funny facial expressions and guestures… kind of fun.
Snowboarding is fun, and the videos that are able to convey teh essence of fun in snowboarding through riding and on hill interactions is a difficult feat. it is often displayed in the lifestyle sections, rather than the riding.