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What other sports do you enjoy?

Just Giver - 29 June 2009 04:30 AM
snowslider - 29 June 2009 03:49 AM
Dave99 - 29 June 2009 03:45 AM
Just Giver - 29 June 2009 03:08 AM

wow did this ever get off topic.. went from sports we play to looking good in pj’s while drunk!!!

Welcome to the BMB….oh,wait a minute..Wrong forum.

Reflex action

Welcome to the BwMB!

haha well done.. I like that people like to talk about anything and everything even if it has nothing to do with riding!!!

there is an odd bond between snowboarders. I wish I felt it on the hill more often than I do.
I think it used to be that way all the time.
Atleast in an online message board forum there is that bond.
It allows us to talk about anything really. I think that where it starts is a commonality of snowboarding. most of us know that those that arent getting to go want to, and since it is a season sport (for most), the desire to do what we dont always get to do is something we all share.
I’m in the USA and I cant go riding for months still. But I can get excited about most others on here who are getting to start the season, and make their first turns perhaps. I’m excited for you all.


I talk abOUT everything else because I don`t really snowboard…..I`m not on Facebook but will you be my friends..?


This site is about snowboarding????  snake
I thought it was about mens bed attire kiss

I’ll be your friend Dave


I thought this was boredworld.
I’m in the wrong place.

Tambazz - 29 June 2009 04:43 AM

This site is about snowboarding????  snake
I thought it was about mens bed attire kiss

I’ll be your friend Dave

I must warn you though..I don`t wear pyjamas..


Yeah, i like rugby, longboarding, surfing and mountain biking. haha


Long walks on the beach anyone?


man i’m cracking up right now…

i like long walks on the beach snowslider.

I’ll be your friend dave but you might have to wear pj’s to be my friend raspberry


We are making sport out of the fact that Dave dont wear no jammys.
It fits perfectly within the topic of discussion… what other sports we enjoy? I enjoy making sport out of Dave and his jammys.

I think Just Giver does too.
This can easily become a team sport.


as we say on the BMB…..........“Useless withOUT pictures”.....

snowslider - 29 June 2009 09:17 PM

We are making sport out of the fact that Dave dont wear no jammys.
It fits perfectly within the topic of discussion… what other sports we enjoy? I enjoy making sport out of Dave and his jammys.

I think Just Giver does too.
This can easily become a team sport.

I’ll definitely join the team!!

I would say we need photos for proof but i’m not sure if I want to start that one



So who here has been for a slide in your birthday suit?

Tambazz - 30 June 2009 01:33 AM


I’ve seen a couple of pics of Dave, that may not be a pretty sight, guys!
Especially with the whole Pjama thing, he’s shared lately, I dont know…

cool smile


I can`t seem to post pictures from Flickr


we play handball too…the euro kind not schoolyard kind.