The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What do you do for a crust??


By day I am a Pimp, by night a male stripper. I know, nothing glamourous, but its a living downer


apprentice diesel mechanic


Professional snowbum.

After Azz’s comment you may think I’m joking, best thing is that I’m not!
On the side I do photography/videography and own Australia’s first HeadCam Rental business.
When really broke I’m a waiter. One day I might get back into acting but for now being a snowbum suits me fine.

rider26 - 18 July 2011 04:31 AM

The Incident:

shut eye

Holy sheet! Mizu has done almost ten thousand posts since April !!! Omfg :D

I’m a molecular cancer biologist smile

Azz - 18 July 2011 09:32 AM

By day I am a Pimp, by night a male stripper. I know, nothing glamourous, but its a living downer


Now tell everyone that you are talkin about ya Canadian mate, and that you’re really a 24/7 llama herder!!!!

antisense - 18 July 2011 01:28 PM
rider26 - 18 July 2011 04:31 AM

The Incident:

shut eye

Holy sheet! Mizu has done almost ten thousand posts since April !!! Omfg :D

I’m a molecular cancer biologist smile

And everyone of those posts were very informative, and full of wholesome love!!!!

That’s one hell of a job title anti!!!! You must be the cleverest intamalectual on Boardworld!!!!!
big surprise


Account Manager for a building building controls company.  I’m starting to think again that IT would be better.


Service Coordinator for an information storage company- tapes, hard drives, boxes of files, lots and lots of boxes of files.


Im a Year 9 student in the monaro cheese im hoping that when i finish my edumication that i’ll become a metorologist that would be sick!! i have no job yet oh oh


Records Management and Administrator… snowdragon, do you live in Canberra?


was a carpenter in wollongong, got my builders licence in December then moved to melbourne to go into project management for a multinational retail fitout company.

then end.

deanobruce - 19 July 2011 03:25 AM

was a carpenter in wollongong, got my builders licence in December then moved to melbourne to go into project management for a multinational retail fitout company.

then end.

Are you going insane in Melbs yet mate?


quite the opposite, i love it. So much to do every single day or night.

Wollongong was way too small for me. its a place i will go to retire if at all.

The only good thing about the gong to me at this age is the beaches and chickos.

The clubs are the most pathetic things in the world, i know 3/4 of the population that are 16-35 years old, no good shops and to do what im doing now i would have to go to sydney and i hate that place more than any other place tbh.

so to answer your question, no. haha


Got a pay rise today… Nothing special but it puts an extra $50 or so a week into the bank smile


I run this thing…  oh oh