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Introduction and board query


Hi everyone,

Been a long time lurker around here and I really appreciate the community that’s developed so thought i’d do a double - join and introduce myself, plus see if anyone’s got some advice for me.

I’ve only been boarding since 2008 maybe 3 days, 09 5 days, 10 5 days, 11 3 days so far.  Seemed like i went backwards a little up until this year where i sucked it up, faced down the mountain as it were, and did much better.  More confidence and backing my abilities really helps! 

Mainly been going to Thredbo thanks to the wife who skis VERY well and a couple of Perisher trips.  Going back down to Thredbo in August also. 

Turned 30 this year so i’m a late starter, i’d maybe say i’m now beginner-intermediate.  Green runs are nice and comfortable, blues i can do ok once i know what they’re like (don’t like going fast on a new trail), although when i get scared i freeze a little and revert back to the old stopping dead in the tracks fearing i’ll run out of room or something (weird i know)...thanks mainly to a day on High Noon where ice was everywhere, a family member fractured her knee and another broke her wrist and all i saw were people going down on their bums.

Been using a Burton Deuce 155 board, 32 Lashed size 8 boots, Union Contact Pro bindings.
Also, i’m 167cm or 5’6, current weight 60kgs though was 66kg before an operation two months back.

I’ve been told that the 155 may be on the longer end for me and was suggested a GNU Riders Choice 2011 or a Never Summer SL 2011, both 151 (151.5 for the GNU actually) for me on the other end of the scale.  I don’t know much about either, so was wondering if anyone else has any opinions.  Done the obligatory googling and both have gotten really great reviews with the GNU having more reviews though the NS has almost been a 100% score from what i’ve found.  They also look to be boards to last from where i am to progressing for many years.

I haven’t really gotten into the park stuff though i used to skate a lot when i was younger, but i really do like to just cruise down runs with the missus.  Up and down and repeat.  Obviously stability over higher speeds and turning is a good plus.  That’s really all i know!
I guess it’ll be a Thredbo board for most of the time, though we’re planning a trip to Canada or Vail next year and Japan with more family.
So it’s over to you guys - any suggestions on these boards?

Thanks for reading, sorry if it’s too long and i’m typing rubbish.  I get typey when it’s late and i’ve had beer…


Welcome to BW mate! Well welcome to your starting of posting! Me to is drinking so I’ll post properly when I get home! Eitherway your in the BW party now and nothing you can do about it!! grin haha


Hey bogmow!!!!! Welcome to Boardworld!!!!!


First up, the size that ya are lookin at is bang on for ya weight!!!!

Secondly choosin to get a rockered hybryd is not the normal choice for your ability level just yet, however when ya say the ya are off to Canada and Japan I would say that it is the way to go!!!!

Personally after only testin my Lib Tech once so far, and at Thredders on ice, I am gonna say to go the GNU Riders Choice 151.5!!!!! They claim that the Hybrid Tech that’s found in both the GNU and my Lib is unbelievable in POW and this is where it excels!!!!!

If ya were to stick solely to the groomers I would say to get a directional board, but if ya have this board for a few years ya might wanna start to ride switch and get into a few tricks on the natural hits and even venture into the park now and then, so again the GNU will take you there when ya ready!!!!!

Haven’t read up about the NS a great deal, but from experience with the Lib Tech and it’s Magnetraction, I can recommend it as I have tested it’s worth on icy Highnoon and can vouch for it’s function!!!!!

That’s my take on the sitch, but wait….......... there will be more!!!!!  cool grin (K2 will sober up after lunch some time!!!!)


If you’re planning to go to canada and japan often I’d say go for the 155 or 153 if you go with the SL or the 154.5 with the GNU. Gonna do much better in pow with the longer length. I’ve never snowboarded in Oz but people say the mountain is pretty small so if you’re mainly gonna snowboard there I think the 151.5 will be better. I’m with Mizu, I have a Lib T.Rice 153 and I love it. Haven’t demoed the SL but heard all good things about it. Also make sure you check the waist width on both boards as uou have pretty small feet.


That was probably the only reason that I didn’t suggest a size or two up from the 151.5!!!!!! Size US8 might be pushin it in a larger board????

Plus the general consensus is that the C2 rides better than a longer board in the pow!!!!!

Those two things combined with the 60kg weight at present!!!!!

Agree with ya on the location that will be ridden the most too skip!!!!! 80-20 in favour of Down Under will confirm the 151.5 again!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 16 July 2011 10:07 AM

Plus the general consensus is that the C2 rides better than a longer board in the pow!!!!!


really, i love you guys…

Sorry, almost 4:30am now, been at it since 6 (only a 2hr sleep, thanks anxiety) for some markets then straight to a wedding thing and here…no condition to reply, except to thank you guys for the suggestions and banter… i’ll come back when i’m nicely slept through and coherent. 

Though, kinda excited at the new board possibilities….then there’s the money issue!  Cheers


Hey bogmow, your set up sound familiar. Did you buy your bindings from STM Bondi???

Gamblor - 16 July 2011 11:41 AM
Mizu Kuma - 16 July 2011 10:07 AM

Plus the general consensus is that the C2 rides better than a longer board in the pow!!!!!


C J Parker - 16 July 2011 06:51 PM

Hey bogmow, your set up sound familiar. Did you buy your bindings from STM Bondi???

Hey yeah!  That’s a good memory you have man.
Was out with my sister earlier in the week and we were visiting one of her local board shops and got into a conversation with one of her friends whilst looking around.

That’s where the suggestion came from, i didn’t take it into account too much since i got no problems with my setup. Then i got the hint from my sis that I could be looking at a half a new board (i’d pay for half so $ still an issue) for an early xmas present since we’re doing this overseas trip, hence this thread. 

Think i should just hold out for a while???


Hey BOGMOW, welcome to BW! I got nothing to add really, how you “little” people survive is a quest..  wink , but these peeps won’t steer you wrong! I can’t help cuz I’m Big People, Just watch out for that Mizu Kuma fella.. he likes Exclamation Points and may get you too enthusiastic-like LOL , but seriously you’re off to a good start!


if you’re going overseas then maybe check the prices abroad too…........................................................................

snowdragon - 17 July 2011 11:03 AM

Hey BOGMOW, welcome to BW! I got nothing to add really, how you “little” people survive is a quest..  wink , but these peeps won’t steer you wrong! I can’t help cuz I’m Big People, Just watch out for that Mizu Kuma fella.. he likes Exclamation Points and may get you too enthusiastic-like LOL , but seriously you’re off to a good start!

Haven’t you got some Homer J Emoticons to tend to?????

(Forgot about my overzelous use of question marks as well!!!!!)  hmmm

bogmow - 17 July 2011 08:58 AM
C J Parker - 16 July 2011 06:51 PM

Hey bogmow, your set up sound familiar. Did you buy your bindings from STM Bondi???

Hey yeah!  That’s a good memory you have man.
Was out with my sister earlier in the week and we were visiting one of her local board shops and got into a conversation with one of her friends whilst looking around.

That’s where the suggestion came from, i didn’t take it into account too much since i got no problems with my setup. Then i got the hint from my sis that I could be looking at a half a new board (i’d pay for half so $ still an issue) for an early xmas present since we’re doing this overseas trip, hence this thread. 

Think i should just hold out for a while???

If you are getting down to the snow a couple more times this year try and demo some boards. Some shops will have something floating around from the reps. Sometimes STM can talk to a rep about maybe organising a board from one of the reps. I know Amine from YES is always will to help people get stoked on product.
This way you will be able to get a feel for some rocker boards and hybrid cambers.
Rome postermania 153
Yes TASmaniac 152.
Some boards to look at in terms of advance but allowing progression through the fact it is rocker nose and tail.

Mizu Kuma - 17 July 2011 12:15 PM
snowdragon - 17 July 2011 11:03 AM

Hey BOGMOW, welcome to BW! I got nothing to add really, how you “little” people survive is a quest..  wink , but these peeps won’t steer you wrong! I can’t help cuz I’m Big People, Just watch out for that Mizu Kuma fella.. he likes Exclamation Points and may get you too enthusiastic-like LOL , but seriously you’re off to a good start!

Haven’t you got some Homer J Emoticons to tend to?????

(Forgot about my overzelous use of question marks as well!!!!!)  hmmm



Welcome to Boardworld, bogmow.  cool smile

At 60kg, a 155 is definitely on the larger side of the scale for you, especially for riding in Australia. Something around the 152 mark would be a good versatile size for Australia. I’d suggest stepping up to at least 153/154 for overseas, especially for Japan where the snow is very light and deep.

To avoid confusing you further, overall I’d suggest something around the 154 mark with rocker. You’re riding in Australia and overseas, so it’s important you can have fun on your board here and not sink over there.

While a 154 is probably slightly bigger than you would want in Australia, it’s what you’re going to need in places like Japan. Having rocker will also make the board more playful and manoeuvrable, so essentially it will turn like a smaller board. The rocker will also give you additional float in the overseas powder. Cambered boards give you stability at speed, while rockered boards tend to be less stable but more playful, easier to turn, and float better powder.

Beyond that, there’s many boards which will meet those requirements. If I were you, I’d be looking for a rockered or hybrid camber board, around the 154 mark. I think that would be your best overall choice, given you will be riding in Australia and abroad.

If you have any further questions please let me know. Best of luck with your search!