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Off to the snow


^^^ Nar he was hanging with his fully sick mates…  LOL



Wasnt it you who was all gangsta with your jersey over your jacket?

Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2011 01:36 AM
tjswish - 18 July 2011 01:02 AM

Ended up going to thredders on the Sunday, I don’t mind either mountain… As long as I’m boarding, life is good!

Did ya catch up with Warren, eddie, fatima n spaz????

I was already with about 8 people… And we were constantly waiting for people… so with Fatman / Nostrils / Saucehead and Spaz, they would have been waiting as well (probably getting annoyed) and a group of 12 is just stupid. Was going to go yell at spaz’s place during the day but we didn’t stop boarding till the bus was leaving and since it was just a weekend, I wanted all the snow I could get!

I’ll definitely be asking you guys for some pointers at the shred though, looks like you are a step above my skill level… which should push me harder rather than me pushing my friends lol.

tjswish - 18 July 2011 02:52 AM
Mizu Kuma - 18 July 2011 01:36 AM
tjswish - 18 July 2011 01:02 AM

Ended up going to thredders on the Sunday, I don’t mind either mountain… As long as I’m boarding, life is good!

Did ya catch up with Warren, eddie, fatima n spaz????

I was already with about 8 people… And we were constantly waiting for people… so with Fatman / Nostrils / Saucehead and Spaz, they would have been waiting as well (probably getting annoyed) and a group of 12 is just stupid. Was going to go yell at spaz’s place during the day but we didn’t stop boarding till the bus was leaving and since it was just a weekend, I wanted all the snow I could get!

I’ll definitely be asking you guys for some pointers at the shred though, looks like you are a step above my skill level… which should push me harder rather than me pushing my friends lol.

Well Warren will be able to show ya how to put makeup on ya nose, eddie will show ya how to dress down a red head and fatima will teach ya how to eat a family bucket of chicken from KFC, and make it look like ya have just eaten a water cracker with a 1/2 teaspoon of cottage cheese on it!!!!!!

And me, hell, I will show ya how to get ya post count up!!!!!  cheese

Can’t wait for the Shred!!!!! It’s gonna be a blast!!!!!