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Returning to Skating

Hey all

I wanted to return to skating after not having done any since I was around 16, and Im 26 now. I wasn’t great and usually just cruised around on it mostly, trying some ollies and shove its.

I was watching some skate vids and got the itch to start again and actually learn tricks. What I want to know is any advice on getting a new board, whether it should be a complete or a custom setup.

I’m 6’2 and know id probably want an 8.0 ish board but other than that im clueless about what to look for in a board i want to ride til its broke.

Not a huge budget for the board honestly, looking for something around $100 ish that is decent enough to learn on!

thanks for the help

*edit: any suggestions on some good not too expensive shoes to use would also be appreciated!


Hey @Dork! Sorry for the late response here.

Are you budgeting $100 for just the deck, or the whole setup? Assuming you’re talking about AUD, a full custom setup will generally cost a bit more than $100 – definitely more in the ballpark of $200 - $250 for something very decent, although you can go a little less for the cheaper pricepoint stuff. 

If you’re going for the pre-made complete route, there’s actually some super reasonably priced options in the Boardworld Store at the moment and a few on sale right now.

This Globe complete is a solid option for just over $110 – everything on the setup comes from Dwindle, the manufacturer behind the likes of Almost and Enjoi, for a fraction of the premium cost.

For a little more, just over $140, you could get a Deathwish complete – these boards are pressed in North America as opposed to Dwindle’s Chinese-made products, which some would consider to be of higher quality as a result.

There’s a handful of other 8” completes in the store too, but those are two notable options.

If you decide to customize your own setup, you probably won’t need anything too fancy. Independent or Thunder offer great quality ‘standard’ trucks, while some of Spitfire’s cheaper wheel options - like the Lowdowns, for example – offer exceptional bang for your buck. I also think it’s good for beginners or people returning to skateboarding to jump into the more ‘standard’ options while they get a good feel for what they like, and these kinds of products will offer that opportunity.

52mm is considered ‘middle ground’ when it comes to wheel sizes these days. If you’re skating an 8” board, you’ll want either size 139 (Independent) or 147 (Thunder) trucks.

If you are going to build your own custom setup, feel free to ask further if you’re deciding which deck to buy. There are more brands than ever nowadays, and while many offer very similar popsicle shapes, they each have different intricacies of some kind.

Feel free to follow up with any questions – and again, sorry for the late response!

Cheers mate.


Etnies Maranas are great shoes and good value for money


If you are returning to the skating again then you need to know about some written tips which may help you to do skating. I have checked that many students also watch online videos which provides the written tips to help out from any assignment work. Most of the people check the site options which provide reviews of the writing tips and other information as well.