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Snowboarders V The rest of the Pansies


HAHAHAHAH that dive is nuts, didn’t some guy survive a fall off the harbour bridge when they were building it cause he managed to turn and dive in…..although technically 2002 is stretching the PRESENT DAY /to very recent occurrence stipulations somewhat!

soooooooo at this stage

Snowboarders 0


Oh come on Crackers the stiletto race counts!


hahaha oooops i didnt read that bit bout being recent my bad. i did what it actually was trying to avoid haha.


OUCH!!!! thats gotta sting man…

blizzard_22 - 13 July 2011 11:32 AM

Oh come on Crackers the stiletto race counts!

I dont know how I missed that! hahah

ok you two can have your old ones cause they are both funnyas but NO MORE AFTER THIS ONE BELOW…..just cause at 4-0 the snowboarders are getting axed.

this is old but Ill put it up ....some swede I told Id try a backflup if he tried one first.




So by my reckoning its 4-0 to the pansies
4-1 one if someone seconds/thirds my one.

I just thought up a new rule… only gets added to the tally if it gets a 2nd and 3rd nomination from two other people ( or two votes etc), that way everyone else gets a say in whether its EXTREME enough! haha

NO more old ones!
I’m hoping for a few entries with actual Boardworld members involved as well….maybe there needs to be rule that they are worth more or some such.


By your rules I can’t second that one of yours cause it’s an old one!!!!!  hmmm

It was good though!!!!!


this is what i think of your rules MIZU

oh wait…..they are my rules


Crackers the vid link I posted wasn’t old, it was on on Monday this week!


is 2005 recent?


i wouldnt call 6 years old recent…

blizzard_22 - 13 July 2011 01:00 PM

Crackers the vid link I posted wasn’t old, it was on on Monday this week!


it was their clothes that threw me…..looks like the 80’s!

deanobruce - 13 July 2011 10:26 PM

i wouldnt call 6 years old recent…

Why’s that???? New Member!!!!  LOL

CRACKERS - 13 July 2011 12:38 PM

this is what i think of your rules MIZU

oh wait…..they are my rules

Yep!!!!! I reckon that he’s pretty much a pansy after that!!!!! Hahahahahaa!!!!!