The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Have you ever done something for the greater good that goes against the grain?

Or said stuff in public that puts your head on the chopping block?

Taken a big risk that could result in ridicule that no reward will be given?

It feels really good when a public figure gives you a shout out for your effort hey.


Follow my tweets;!/snocam


Nice work! You shut them haters down!! Can you tell us who the haters are?

Yeh I got recognition once, for beating Mark Skaife, Marcos Ambrose, Todd Kelly and Brad Jones on the V8 Supercars Race Driver game! I was 16!


Nice one, spaz! I’m now following you on Twitter.

What’s the background story to this?


Yeh Im following you too now LOL


I’m not totally sure but I think it would have to do with some comments about MissSnowItAll on a particular snow forum (Mizu’s favorite wink ).

The comments were about some of her articles and that she has little ability as a writer.
This was in reaction to an article in which she gave web addresses of overseas sites that sold cheap snow gear.
Some of the comments went as far to suggest consumers were to blame for destroying the local snow industry.

I questioned if any of them would write in a similar fashion if it meant they could travel the world for free on invitation by ski resorts. I also pointed the finger at Australian Resorts as having a larger role in destroying the smaller snow shops than consumers buying cheaply online.

I guess she just saw the thread today.


Controversy!!!!! I’m signin back up!!!!!  smirk


Just get on FB and Twitter Mizu and follow/like me. I’m only really active in winter and give the resorts enough grief to keep em on their toes.

I’m now trying to get set up as a central hub for my activity in this regard so FB and Twitter signup aren’t required and stalkers can get all the dirt there. It’s not 100% but things are falling into place. wink My vids will take shape as an on-hill video-blog type of thing.

I guess it’s kinda of lucky I can’t whinge about my personal life and my angst is being publicly directed at them instead.

Of course when the snow is good and it matches or betters the resorts claims my posting is all about the great snow conditions. To insight SDS!!!!! (or rub how good a snowbums life can be in peoples eyes)


as a famous man once said.  “keep the bastards honest”