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LCD screen for GoPro


ha ha, just stirring the pot Spaz raspberry

that said, how would the vio improve this vid?

two friends have the original vio and the things that sucks about it are:
the remote is huge and won’t fit in a jacket pocket. You have to take your pack off to put it in. There’s a cable running from the camera to the remote.
and the batteries run out quickly.

on the other hand, the gopro sits in my pack or pocket til I’m at the top of a sick run. I put the head strap on, turn it on and ride. At the bottom I can pull it off easily and put it away. Hassle-free and the video quality is fine.


cheers gamblor thats prety much wat i want 2 get 1 for so i can use it as a digital camera… and good 2 see ya backing up gopros aswell!!! way more convenient then a vio camera!!


nice vid gamblor, real good stuff

i actually used the gopro last season and really enjoyed the simplicity of it!
screen or no screen we got great footage and low hassle plus a variety of angle shot i dont think would work on the VIO. mind you the new VIO HD would be nice…. might work too wink


So yeah I’m gonna come off like a GoPro hater again… (I’m not really)

vio would improve that vid;
1) Audio
2)no video wave
5)polecam angle

As for the remote; why are you putting it in your pocket? Put it on a laynard around your neck, tied to your pants, around your wrist (my favorite place) or taped to the pole where your thumb can access it.

Batteries; don’t buy cheap batteries! Energizer Ultimate last +10hrs on the old POV.1.5 and are cold resistant.
A good set of rechargeable = min 3hrs. When Banger hired from me I think he got 6-8hrs from one set.

I don’t know why you are pulling the recorder out? Unless your playing back your last run on the chairlift.
Once it’s on and the keypad is locked all you do is use the remote - one button starts it and the other is for stop. With a 6hr record time and 10hr batteries as well as the option to use Loop mode (record back in time) you set it up at the start of the day and use the remote. On loop mode if something happens unexpectedly you press the remote and it’s saved to the card.

Security forces and the military use it. It’s discrete and will last for an entire shift capturing every moment but only saves what is required.

And no matter where in the world you are AA batteries aren’t hard to find. I just carry a spare set.

Pfft! GoAmateur more like it.