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Telephones, stuff you do when on hold and stuff


Fast Eddie and Snowdragon have got me thinking about stuff I do when on hold or to telemarketers.

So, awhile back now, at work we used to get different groups ringing up wanting us to sell raffle tickets on their behalf, so we used to give our mates name and address and try to hold a straight face while he whinged about getting sent raffle tickets to sell all the time LOL

When ever a company would ring selling travel vouchers or other useless crap we would say they need to talk to the missus and give them our mates name.

Loved telling telemarketers to “hold on a minute” and just leave them hanging…............................... LOL

When I am hold, I just use it as constructive time to look at Boardworld or play Angry Birds smile

What stuff have you guys done?

Azz - 14 June 2011 10:12 AM

Loved telling telemarketers to “hold on a minute” and just leave them hanging…............................... LOL

Can you hold on a sec (set phone down and watch tv until they hang up) . . oldie but a goodie!  I also argue we don’t have/use/want/need their services- even to the point where I try and convince them I don’t have or own a phone, I am just stealing from the neighbors. Once I tried to argue I worked for a better company with a better product and price..
The ones that persistantly call back feel the wrath . .


Boardworld is great while ya whack em on speaker phone hold!!!!!!

When the telemarketers ring at dinner time, a great game to play is pass the phone to see how long they stay on line for!!!!!! Whoever gets hung up on, LOSE!!!!!


Sometimes I just draw a big sha-mozzle of nothing on paper!!

Ohhhh I just remembered, once when I was put on hold I was just walking around my house trying to past time, as I ventured into my lounge room past the lounge, the front door bell rang!! So I put on the jog to get there and….. BAM!!!! kicked my pinky toe on the corner of the lounge!!!! I could not think of anything worse to happen to me while on hold!!


I wish that I could speak some Indian/Pakistani so I can start telemaketin back at em and freak em out!!!!!!

or pretend like ya might know em, and bust out in some conversation about the good ol days makin chapatis down at the local markets!!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 14 June 2011 10:29 AM

Boardworld is great while ya whack em on speaker phone hold!!!!!!

When the telemarketers ring at dinner time, a great game to play is pass the phone to see how long they stay on line for!!!!!! Whoever gets hung up on, LOSE!!!!!

So doing this next time hahahaha


This reminds me of a tactic of my grandma’s. She was about 80 and blind at the time and I listened when she answered the phone. It was a roof restoration company offering a free inspection and quote. She asked when they could come around and they said how does thursday next week sound? She swiftly replied “oh heavens, thats ages away - I might be dead by then!” and hung up. hahahahahahaha onya nanna!


Hahahahahahahaa!!!!! I am gonna be lovin it when I am old!!!!! (Please, no references to me be old already!!!!!)

Mizu Kuma - 14 June 2011 11:13 PM

Hahahahahahahaa!!!!! I am gonna be lovin it when I am old!!!!! (Please, refer to me as being old already!!!!!)

hahahaha ok LOL


One thing I havent done but want too, is if they call, ask them to wait a min while you use another phone to call theirs or another phone company and have the two phones on speaker next to each other. I can just picture a Telstra op. speaking to another, “Would you like to buy this new package?” “So you would like to buy the new package?” “No Sir, I’m asking if you would like to buy the new package!” LOL


LOL The first dude will get the shits for bein on hold too long!!!!!!


You do that with 2 Chinese restaurants…

You order a few things for yourself and then say you’ll put your brother/sister on and put the call through to another Chinese store lol


Bahahahahahahahaaa!!!!! That’s GOLD!!!!!!


When we were kids we used to wait for our cross eyed Milko Joe, to drive along the street for about 100 meters, and then call out somethin like “Hey Joe, one custard”!!!!!

Joe would then run back with a custard, only to have us tell him that we didn’t have a clue what he was talkin about!!!!! Got him about 5 times before he started to ignore us!!!!!

So we grouped together one day and sang him the “You ought to be congratulated” Meadow Lea song!!!!! He went Ape Shit!!!!!  big surprise


LOL thats gold TJ!
The guy who plays the prank, sounds exactly the same as the guy who organises that new show Idiot Abroad. Anyone else watch it? Soo funy.


Nah missed it!!!!!  downer