The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Yeh, my bad I do remember it now. Good effort!
How long did it last?
Yeh, my bad I do remember it now. Good effort!
How long did it last?
The sticker on the PM’s sign?
Was gone by the next morning
Ah bugger!
But hey, at least KevinRudd07 signed up to Boardworld!
Julia might have ripped it off!!!!!
Might have been the reason for the takeover bid in the first place!!!!! Is Mark Arbib a Skier????
Or maybe a Scooter!!!!!!
Julia might have ripped it off!!!!!
Might have been the reason for the takeover bid in the first place!!!!! Is Mark Arbib a Skier????
For sure, cause that is such a saucehead thing to do
dont call my mum a saucehead plz!!!!! Ok Warren
Just updated the original post with new contest and further details. More to follow.
Ok a sticker contest is fine but the last time I saw a forum doing this was 2-3 months ago and since a week or 3 we have winner, but no stickers yet(the guy who was suppose to print them broke his leg or something ^^) so contest are good as long as they are lived up to
But no worries the admins here look more active :p
When is the sticker contest coming?
I can personally vouch for the Sticker Contest here Scarface!!!!! I won last years!!!!!
No worries about the admins keepin up with their side of things around here!!!!!
But can you keep up with the level of competition of the other BW Members???? This is the Question!!!!!
Yeah probably not; I’m a Photoshop n00b ^^ but participating is more important then winning ... right? =D
i tried winning something in these contests i just couldnt win
would it be possible to get a free sticker pack?