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I’m officially confused…


^^^^^^ Oh look riders laughin at his own jokes!!!!!

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 02 June 2011 11:26 PM
rider26 - 02 June 2011 11:12 PM

got me hook, line, and sinker.

He texted me sayin watch this, then BANG you took the bait! LOL

I think I texted those exact words, got him hook, line, and sinker !!!!

Sorry mate, it was such a great opportunity to pull a prank smile

I am very impressed at how well we all pulled together to get it happening. Excellent work team !!!!!!

I am however starting to get worried about what Jez is going to do for payback.

Lucky for Team BW Pranksta’s we have a secret weapon, don’t want to give to much away, but she is on the inside wink

Azz - 03 June 2011 12:32 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 02 June 2011 11:26 PM
rider26 - 02 June 2011 11:12 PM

got me hook, line, and sinker.

He texted me sayin watch this, then BANG you took the bait! LOL

I think I texted those exact words, got him hook, line, and sinker !!!!

Sorry mate, it was such a great opportunity to pull a prank smile

I am very impressed at how well we all pulled together to get it happening. Excellent work team !!!!!!

I am however starting to get worried about what Jez is going to do for payback.

Lucky for Team BW Pranksta’s we have a secret weapon, don’t want to give to much away, but she is on the inside wink

wink  wink