The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Have a Safe Flight Home Jeremy!!!!!

C J Parker - 02 June 2011 12:43 PM

Ah your back. Nice I still get to catch up with you before the move.

Where ya goin CJ????

C J Parker - 02 June 2011 12:43 PM

Ah your back. Nice I still get to catch up with you before the move.

Nice one, CJ. When you leaving for the UK? Come over for a beer (or six)!


Finally moving from Bondi and going to the UK. Wifey is missing her family and I need a sea change. Going to be great though being able to hit some euro mountains and get an all mighty shred on.

Sounds good on the beers Jez. Hannah leaves on the 11th June, then I am out on the 9th July.


Don’t forget about us CJ!!!!! Post heaps o travel reports from Euroland!!!!

Hope everythin goes great over there for ya dude!!!!!  shaka


Thanks Mizu.

I will definitely keep posting and some fresh pics. I will be posting about English product as well I guess and parks.

I am stoked to be having a sea change, everything has been crazy at the moment.